Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Food Combos To Avoid

Over the years, I've informed many relatives and friends to not drink liquids with their meals, etc. Did they believe me or listen? No, not necessarily so, as they were probably wondering if the things that I was sharing with them were actually true, or they thought maybe I was just too young to have such a broad knowledge foundation. Moreover, back then, being so young with such information and understanding, and as it seemed - controversial topics and advice against the norm, was a bit off-putting for many and may have had me looking like a "Miss Know-It-All"; however, not the case, not as far as I was thinking.  I quickly realized that being well informed simply wasn't a common attribute of many in the community in which I lived - sad but true. However, the thing with knowing is that I started reading and researching at a very early age. In fact, I was once a pre-med student right after high school. So, of course, eating and staying healthy peaked my interest. It's something that was introduced to me, as I was born and raised on the island of Jamaica, where we had nothing but healthy and fresh foods, that we would harvest each day from the backyard in preparing our meals. Healthy living was and is something I've always been curious in knowing more about. So, I would either join forces with people of like mind to discuss such topics and then conduct my own research to validate it all.

Well, ever heard the saying, "Each one teaches one"? It's true, because I learned a lot over the years from observing and listening to others, and I not only took in the information, but I also applied it to my daily life routines. I became very disciplined at doing what I know is best for me, and I was more than happy, actually overjoyed, to go and share it with my loved ones, as I wanted to be sure that they'd also be able to partake in the enlightening journey that I was and still is on to living a healthier and wholesome life in fullness thereof it. I knew how it made me feel when I discovered and/or learned something new, and I felt even more compelled in letting them in on it. It's what love does - share, for sharing is caring. Right? I do hope you agree with me on that and have made it a habitual part of your life. :-)

Anyhoo, I chose this topic today while browsing through the pages of a very reliable and credible magazine, "Experience Life", which was a subscribed bonus through my gym membership. So, most of the info on the attached chart I put together came from the magazine article itself, titled "Healthy Eating: Nutrients". While reading it, it was like one of those "Ah ha moments" that Oprah Winfrey often speaks about and that clicked in my head as being pertinent need-to-know info and also as a way of now going back to my fam and friends and saying, see, I told you so...lots of laugh - nah, just kidding. :-) Though, that would be a feel-good-moment, but I'm not the type to rub dirt in peoples face in wanting to make them feel bad or small in anyway in order to sing praises unto myself. So, the truth is simply that I find information like this as one of the most common mishap-misinformed habit that has been formed over time, and now, while we're in the period of renewal of Earth and mind, body, and spirit, it's a great time to definitely undo the errors done and make it right - set it straight for the record so to speak. How else will we evolve as people? It is the absolute truth that is required to do so. Therefore, read and be liberated and be sure to pass this vital info on for a long healthy living to your friends and family, etc. within your social circle by clicking on one or all of the social media widgets at the bottom of this post.

Alright then, I hope this information reaches you in great health. If not, be sure to start on the journey of taking a more wholesome approach of being absolutely good to yourself and your loved ones.

Take care until next time. Chow! :-)

Here's a bit more added info about each category of food combos to avoid:
  1. FRUIT WITH OR AFTER MEAL: "Sugars are actually not easy to digest, according to Ayurveda (alternative healing practice), because they are heavy and require good fire to process. That is why fruits should be eaten alone. Fruits (especially fresh, seasonal fruits) are also energetically purifying foods and complete foods, and to combine them with proteins and carbs takes away their pure energy". Additionally, "Water rinses and hydrates the tract, fiber sweeps and cleanses it, and enzymes activate the chemical process of digestion. It is why eating fruit first makes the digestive tract more capable of absorbing nutrition." So, "It's best to eat most fruits on their own - especially melons, because they are high in sugar and enzymes specific to each melon. If you want to experiment with food combining, eating fruit alone is a great first step."
  2. ANIMAL PROTEIN PLUS STARCH: "Adding protein enzymes and carb enzymes into the same space and time basically makes everything *unclean*." Though,"Many people's bodies are suited to traditional foods like rice and sushi, and, yes, meat and potatoes. And combinations like beans and rice, which make a healthy, complete protein, don't apply to this bad combo category. Rice and beans have a synergistic effect, promoting better assimilation of each when they are together."
  3. FATS WITH WRONG FOODS: "Fats and oils need to be combined according to the digestive fire of the person eating them. When combined with foods properly, fats build a little fire and induce foods to be carried to the liver better. Fats are to be avoided when the fire is too low in the gut, as they douse the fire." Moreover, "Protein fats like avocados, seeds, and nuts should be combined only with non-starchy vegetables." Also, be sure to "Always include a raw leafy green vegetable when eating fats."
  4. LIQUID WITH MEALS: there's no additional info to mention for this category.
  5. TWO CONCENTRATED SOURCES OF PROTEIN: "Combination of different meats with fish is to be avoided." In addition, "Meats should be the last course, as digestive fire and enzymes are at their peak."
Cited sources: Experience Life magazine, "Healthy Eating: Nutrients", November 2013 - Drs. Battacharya and Alder

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