Friday, November 1, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #6 - Avocado Baby!

It's fast fact Friday, and today's fact tidbit is regarding avocado. It's also one of my absolute favorite to include in my salads, smoothies, for making my delicious avocado dip, etc. I also use it as a hair and face mask, which by the way, came as a surprise one day, as I decided to scrape away with my fingers, the remaining flesh that was left on the skin of the avocado (I must say that I'm not big on wasting things :-). So, I scraped the remaining bit into my hands, rubbed the palm of my hands together until the avocado became creamy and smooth, and then I applied it all over my face. In under five minutes, the avocado began to constrict and tightened the skin on my face, that I could barely smile and/or talk - now that's a really good pull. Therefore, I presume that it also draws out impurities from the skin. Now,  mind you, I'm no skin care scientist or expert, but I'm just going by the light of my intuition that tells me so, and it's yet to be wrong when I listen to its gentle guide and conscious truths from the All there is in the Universe, and the proof is always in the pudding as the end result. It really was a sweet discovery that got my wheels spinning creatively towards some fabulous concoctions, which I'll soon share with you. ;-)

Even as important, whenever I see avocados, I think of all the fruity goodies I'm used to eating from I was a child on the island and often miss dearly. Hence, there, in Jamaica, we call avocado "pear" - understandable, right and pretty smart too I believe, in remembering that it's actually a fruit. You'll understand more about why it was named pear via Harvest of the Month. It is there you'll also find some additional pertinent facts about avocado and a recipe too - nice. :-). To emphasize, I'm sure most people think that avocado is a vegetable, but it's very much a fruit. It is grown on a tree, especially on the islands; ripens quickly in the dark - for example, in a brown paper bag; can last for up to a week after being cut and placed in the refrigerator, especially when coated with fresh lemon juice. It's also rich in cartenoids, essential fatty acids, like Omega-3 and 6, as well as vital minerals for the body, which leads it to being high in heart-healthy monounsaturates with powerful plant sterols that make avocado the world's healthiest fruit, as it consists of vitamin E, beta sitosterol, and lutein. Studies also show that it helps in destroying dangerous free radicals in the body and is the highest plant source of CoQ10.

Well, enjoy this bit of fast and factful Friday. As always, be sure to share this info with others. You simply just never know whose life it could change or save - woohoo - let's be health heroes, one to the other, for together we can. :-)

Have an awesome weekend, guys! Take great care of yourselves until next time! Chow!

Peace + Love + Healthy Living "Of The Green Life" too! :-)

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