Thursday, November 7, 2013

Healing Begins On A *Whole* Other Level

When we think of sickness or become sick, most are quick to flock to the doctor's office (nothing wrong with that btw), be diagnosed, and then pop a toxic pill in (very wrong) to cure them of whatever ailment, illness, and/or disease as prescribed by their health profession, which by the way does quite the opposite if you're privy to the harmful ingredients that make up those pharmaceutical drugs. It's more of a deceptively great way of continuing to tread the mouse wheel of being a scientific experiment that only allows the dysfunction to progress silently and show up and show out elsewhere within the body's system.

The truth is that healing begins from within. It starts in the mind and then extends throughout the body. You can change and/or heal yourself by altering the way that you think, feel, and perceive life and self. It is the more wholesome and guaranteed approach and aspect to healing oneself and becoming better on every level related to your existence.

I know this is a highly controversial topic, but too often we've been programmed to focus on this and that being the problems of our lives, when the answer is really simple as soon as you begin to understand the power of the mind and the way in which it actually affects the body. It is best known as the principle of cause and effect. 

Should something go wrong within the body, there's a signal that is sent straight to the brain and in which the master mind now kicks in to guide us to healing ourselves should you listen carefully and promptly follow what comes to mind, meaning buying this or that herbs, foods, etc. in order to aid the process. The Divine mind knows exactly what the body needs in order to heal itself. It is highly intelligent and possesses wisdom that's connected to the Universal God of all there is within time and space. Just follow its lead, and you'll surely be led to being well again in a wholesome perspective.

Often times than not, the answer may be as simple as meditation and drinking more water, etc., that'll set your body's functions back into balance, as obviously, the reason why you may be experiencing whatever illness or sickness thereof is because there has been a disrupt or dis-ease within the body via the mind's transmitting energy fields that's tied into certain areas of your body - the negative polarity of the pole will affect the balance and functions of the others. It is why you cannot heal a illness, disease until you find the root of the problem that gain its feet from within the mind, and practicing channeling that energy will assist you to bringing it all back into balance. It's been proven over and over again.

Moreover, I've witnessed folks go from being healthy to unhealthy and vice versa in one instance to the next. The cause was a shift in emotions that were bearing feelings of extreme negativity of hate, grudge, envy, resentment, and the likes. Thus, the effect was a disruption within the body's balance, which ultimately produced tumors, cysts, fibroids - which can all become very cancerous and most times do than not, plus the bulging belly syndrome. Why? Because you're carrying around in the emotional pit of your lower, 2nd to 3rd chakras, a baggage of  negative vibes and/or energies. It may throw you as to why it's happening, especially if you're eating healthy and working out often, yet, you're experiencing hiccups within your health. It may, at that point, seem impossible to think of the reason why and how if you've been so long conditioned to look outside of yourself for the answer instead of within, but if for one Divinely intuitive inclination had you thought to look inside yourself, meaning into the vibratory realms of your mind, therein lies the answer to all of your issues. It is there that you'll truly begin to understand and heal.

Take for instance, medical experts have stated and made very clear that the mind has a powerful effect on the body. Hence, it can cause you to have a false sense of being ill or bringing about such illnesses, and thus, can also bring about its healing. Therefore, this is definitely not placebo effect or theory talk that I'm giving here. It's simply the truth that often times goes unnoticed - almost unknown, as folks are so used to doing and thinking the way that majority of the world do today and have been doing in error for far too long now. So, to take back your health, you simply must alter the way you think - go within first and foremost always - "Seek and ye shall find" the way to turn it all around for a better and more healthier you.

To start you on this conscious and wholesome journey to improving one's health, I've attached hereto a chakra chart that shows you just how connected our mind is to the body and its functions thereof, and how it ultimately affects us when our energy fields within are blocked, out of whack and imbalanced.

Study this chart, and thereafter, channel your light energy to where it hurts the most, and no, for some of you, do put away the silly thinking - it's not taboo. It's simply the wholesome way of life in which they call "Alternative" - pretty ironic being that it was here first and not after. Don't you think? Anyhoo, meditate and enter within and feel the flow of light and life filling you with peace, power, and wisdom to heal thyself in the absolute most wholesome way when you connect self to mind, body, and foods - centering and balancing your life energy flow.

Well, my friends, as always, take great care of yourselves on all levels (mind, body, and soul), so that you can truly be and live *Of The Green Life* - feeling fully alive and existing in a wholesome and well way.

Chow until next time! :-)

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