Monday, August 25, 2014

Oil of Oregano Benefits

Hey, Guys!

It's been quite a while since I've updated my blog. I've been so super busy rearranging my life, putting things into its proper perspective in order to get them moving into the right direction - a more meaningful, purposeful, and productive one! Anyhoo, I trust you guys have been great and that all is well with you and yours. Drop me a line or two in the comment section below and let me know just how amazing things are going for you. I'd love to hear about it! By the way, if you've noticed, I've also given my blog a facelift -  woohoo!!! Do you like it or not - comment below and let me know. It would be greatly appreciated! :-)

Well, on to the topic of the day! I decided to start it all off with some essentially good stuff that nature provides us - essential oils that is of course - hint, hint! (smiles) :-) The first being oil of oregano! I can't begin to tell you just how amazingly potent this essential oil is and the awesome effects it has on anyone looking to boosts their immune system, or if you're having any yeast (fungus) imbalance within your body, oregano oil consumption would be great at balancing it out for you!

Hence, why I decided to join up with a company that carries them "Certified 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade" essential oils, meaning you're getting the absolute best in quality, and I'm sure that you know by now that's what I'm all about - quality, organic, and "Of The Green Life" type of products, that are safe for us to consume and/or to use and easy on the environment too! To me, that's a win-win situation that ensures that everyone's well-being is being accounted for - ours and that of Mother Nature's too. We owe it to her as much as we owe it to ourselves!

Here's my independent website address, Essentially Green Living if you'd like more info about "Simply Aroma" and to get a clear understanding of their "Simply Pure" guarantee on delivering to you nothing but quality essential oils that will benefit your health and well-being.

Ok, without any further ado, see the attached information sheet that I've put together for you, showcasing the healthy benefits that Oregano oil possesses and how to best use it. I will be sharing with you on a weekly basis more about various essential oils that'll help us to maintain our wellness and healthy state of being. In addition, some fun and very useful recipes are sure to follow soon! So stay tuned! I'm so super excited about this newly added venture of mine. It's definitely right up my alley!

Ciao, my lovelies!

To your health and well-being,
San - xoxo

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