Thursday, January 30, 2014

Alkalizing, Antioxidant, And Probiotic Green Super Foods!

Hey Guys!

If you know me a bit by now, you'll know that I truly have a green willed mindset. I really prefer and appreciate life in it's natural form and state of being. It's the only way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one that is free of diseases and ailments that are due to unhealthy, synthetics, and harmful ingredients used to produce our foods today, and it's not a matter of who or which company or country produces it. It's a matter of who's keeping it green and doing us right as people in terms of keeping nature in mind and the harmful effects such neglectful and inconsiderate actions have on her and ultimately us as human beings - as a whole. Thus, I don't mind sharing the jewels that I find along the way, regardless of borders or brand. If it's good, it's simply good - no need to be grudgeful, biased, or hateful because it's another country or non popular brand. I go with and go where it's good and green, and if you're smart enough, in which I'm sure you are, you'd do the same too, as your HEALTH IS YOUR TRUE WEALTH, and you should desire consuming the healthy stuff, in order to ensure that you're taking the very best care of yourself - obviously the leadership within our country isn't, considering the harmful ingredients they allow to make up our foods and water supply, for instance, toxic seeds/foods like GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) - uggghh, I'm so disgusted with it all. Our nation's leadership should look to treat people how they'd individually want to be treated themselves and also think in terms of, *if it's not good for my family, then it's not good for anyone else's either*. We'd have healthier people and planet too if such thoughtful considerations were made, but such is NOT the case or common in the U.S.A. - sad but true.

With that, the "Organic Revolution" is upon us, where sustainability and a healthier you and planet is the end results. Let's be conscious with how we treat nature and ourselves. It's important to know that what you put in your body is just as important as with what you put on it. It all ends up in the same places, in our bloodstream and life stream - nature. Thus, I'm so glad that I've discovered a truly word is their bond integrity fused company - Miessence, where green is truly green and organic. So, you may want to try out their absolutely green brand of organic superfoods concoction: "Berry Radical", "InLiven", and "Deep Green". You can also find so many more green goodies for body, hair, skin, and home care as well, made available through their company. In addition, how reassuring it is to know that all of their products are "CERTIFIED ORGANIC" - can't get any greener or more solid than that....

Anyhoo, here's a bit more info about their line of green super foods: Berry Radical is an antioxidant rich superfood that'll keep you vibrant and youthful for many years to come. InLiven is infused with probiotics which are our body's friendly inhabitants that fight off the bad stuff should it experience a foreign invasion :-), and Deep Green is truly a green beast concoction of the truly great stuff that takes our body to operating at its optimum state of being and wellness - an alkalized one! So, what are you waiting for? Go for the green, baby! :-) Become a *GREEN GOD(DESS)* today. Go here for more info, Miessence

Ok, that's all she wrote. Take great care of yourselves until next time. Chow! :-)

PS. Don't forget to subscribe, comment, like, and/or share, for sharing is caring that could truly save someone's life today. :-)

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