Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Vanishing Super Food - BEE POLLEN!


We've been hearing a lot about super foods, and there are quite a few, but there's one that doesn't get as much spotlight as the others do and that's "Bee Pollen". Bee pollen is as vital to our health as bees are to our agricultural system. Without the pollination seeds from certain crops by bees, we wouldn't have any of the veggies and fruits that we need to live a healthy lifestyle today. However, you're probably wondering why are they disappearing and thus the talk of this vital superfood - bee pollen. Well, have you ever heard of GMO (genetically modified organisms), harmful pesticides, pollution, etc., etc., you get the picture? All of those things are the reasons why our dear bees are suddenly vanishing, because it's the cruel and evil nature and/or intent of some people who've gone completely bonkers, to alter the natural process of nature and provide us with an artificial one instead, that's much more easier for them production wise, while at the same time, yield a high rate of return for their bank accounts and kill us all along with the bees - slowly but surely.

Bee pollination is essential for our fruits and veggies to grow and thrive each year, and GMO seeds are put in place to replace the job of nature provided for us via our bees. As you can see, a great rippling detrimental chain reaction negative effect will surely stem from such a dis-order within nature done. Our lives, like that of the bees would slowly but surely vanish away. Therefore, we must do every human deed possible to ensuring that our bees stay alive and that our foods/seeds stay out of the hands of monster companies like Monsanto and its affiliates, who feel they should play God and alter nature to suit their selfish, greedy, inconsiderate, and inhumane needs to corner all the market and harness it all for themselves - all that is naturally and rightly our Divine right to have access to: clean, whole, and healthy foods, throughout all eternity, as nature and God intended it to be.  

Anyhoo, here's why bee pollen is a must-have staple kitchen food and/or supplement:
  1. It contains nearly every known nutrient required for a balanced human diet.
  2. It has 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, most of the known vitamins, and many enzymes.
  3. Check this out, it is SUPER RICH IN PROTEIN - 35 WHOPPING PERCENT to be exact!!! So, if you've ever heard someone say that meat is the highest source of protein, you may want to politely say, that's a lie. So, it's great to know that if you're looking to nurture or grow your hair, adding more bee pollen to your daily intake will definitely do the trick.
  4. Contains 40% carbohydrate and ONLY 5% fat.
  5. Another holy grail fact, it contains "all" **essential** amino acids and is a complete protein source
  6. Loaded with Vitamins A, B, C, complex series C, D, E, K, and Rutin - AHH-MA-ZING!!!
  7. And last, in some cultures, bee pollen is even used as an aphrodisiac - s  e  x  y, l o l :-)
Well, with the 7 heavenly-holy grail benefits of bee pollen, and if you haven't already done so by now, you may want to go out and grab some today from your nearest Whole Foods Market or health foods store. It's a real picker upper. I find it especially effective when added to my morning smoothie. Here are some other ways that I've used it: mixed into my oatmeal, dissolved into hot tea, sprinkled over a salad, or simply as directed on the bottle - 1/2 tsp in the morning and another around 3pm on a daily basis by chewing it. It is totally the good stuff that you want to have around and even moreso knowing that it contains one of the highest protein levels known to mankind. Yup, that's right. :-) It's also a great immune system booster, fertility enhancer, brain development building blocks - due to its Vitamin B12, fights fatigue and skin issues, blood, skin, and bone cells builder, and weight management to name a few of it's Godly good benefits. :-)

Alright, guys! Have a great one and take excellent care of yourself until next time. Chow! :-)

Oh, P.S., by the way, you may want to check out this "Vanishing Bee Documentary".

Here's some additional info regarding how bee pollen is produced:

"Bee pollen aka plant pollen is produced when honey bees gather pollen from the male flower of plants. The bees then pack the pollen on their back legs so they can carry it back to the hive. Upon arrival to the hive entrance, a pollen trap is placed there by the beekeeper. The bees then have to go through a screened maze in order to get inside the hive. While going through the maze process, the pollen is knocked off the bees legs". Pretty cool, yet, simple process that does not involve any chemical undergoing - naturally harnessed while still retaining its power - its nutritive benefits - can't get any better than that. Don't you agree? :-)

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