Friday, December 20, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #10 - Sugar Effects

Hey, Guys!

Here's to another fast fact Friday. Fast fact Fridays are about sharing quick tips and tricks regarding things that we can do or simply know in order to improve and/or maintain our health.

Today's fact is about sugar and how it relates to cancer and our overall health. So, let's face it, sugar is a silent contributor to the detriments of our health. Why?

Here are three (3) quick reasons:
  1. Sugar turns into fat within our bodies. Thus, resulting in obesity.
  2. It suppresses our immune system, leaving it vulnerable to diseases of all sorts, and
  3. Sugar feeds cancer cells, giving them the juice to grow stronger and excel faster.
Well, take care guys until next time and have a healthy and joyous weekend and life in general.

Happy Holidays to you all! xoxo :-)

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