Friday, November 8, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #7 - The Truth About Cholesterol

Today's fast fact is about cholesterol, both good and bad that comprises of its overall effects on the body. You'll learn also the importance of why our body need cholesterol - the good one of course. See fast fact Friday frame below for some pertinent need-to-know, highlighted points that you may want to remember.

So, whats the truth about cholesterol? The truth is that our bodies need it. Cholesterol aids in a number of important body functions, like producing bile acids that supports fat metabolism - see FFF frame above for more on those functions. Moreover, there are two types of cholesterol. You have the "good" one aka HDL (High-Density Lyproprotein). The second one is the "bad" cholesterol aka LDL (Low-Density Lyproprotein). 

"Cholesterol also contributes to the formation of your memories and is crucial for your neurological function. Cholesterol also affects the formation of serotonin, a hormone that is involved in your mood regulation".

"Studies have found that people with insufficient levels of cholesterol have a higher chance of developing depression and suicidal thoughts, while others may experience an increased capacity for violence and aggression. In extreme cases, low cholesterol can raise your risk of cancer and Parkinson’s disease".
"A rise in cholesterol levels, on the other hand, occurs in response to damaged cells. A high amount of this substance in your bloodstream just proves that your body is working to repair or create new cells.
As important, "Having elevated levels of cholesterol (unless you are suffering from a genetic defect called familial hypercholesterolemia) is not a disease that requires *statins* (a pharmaceutical drug/SW), yet, millions are taking them as we speak. It is unfortunate that Americans are led to believe that this class of cholesterol-lowering drugs is the answer to normalizing cholesterol levels, when there over 900 studies documenting their adverse effects."

"For instance, statins also deplete your CoQ10 levels. CoQ10 or Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that plays a crucial role in the creation of your ATP molecules needed for cellular energy production. Other than the side effects brought by statins, CoQ10 deficiency can also yield to a number of complications, including heart failure."

"Unfortunately, conventional doctors oftentimes immediately base judgment on numbers and prescribe dangerous statins, which ironically puts your heart health at risk. Did you know that cholesterol is not necessarily a precursor to poor health?" In Dr. Mercola's years of practice, he's "Seen people whose total cholesterol levels were over 250 but had a low risk of developing heart disease." He's also "encountered patients who were highly at risk for heart disease despite low cholesterol levels (under 200)." Conventional doctors neglect to tell you the truth: your body NEEDS cholesterol. And there are far better indicators of your heart health than just your total cholesterol level."

Hence, those are the reasons why it's important  to be well-informed, as for sometime now, the public has been misled in thinking that cholesterol is actually an overall bad thing, when in actuality the body needs it for certain functions to be carried out. See chart below to learn more about the positive and negative effects of cholesterol. You'll become more educated on this all-out-important body substance as you gain a clearer understand of it all.

Ok, take awesome care of yourselves until next time! Cheers to long life and healthy living! Have fun enjoying your weekend too! xoxo :-)

Cited source: Dr. Mercola, "How To Make Sense of Your Cholesterol Levels Infographic"

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