Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Aspartame: The Skull & Bones Death Delivery Artificial Sweetener

If ever you've seen the skull and bones symbol over a label on a product, it's a sure warning and danger sign that it's a toxic and poisonous substance that is guaranteed to deliver you to either a quick or slow but sure death. Sadly though, that is not the transparent case for most products on the market today that are comprised of harmful ingredients. You really have to be educated or well informed to be aware of the things that are detrimental to your health in order to avoid them at all cost, and this is where this sort of information comes in  very handy, as people who truly cares about the health and well-being of others are and have been conducting extensive research over the years and here and now, to be sure that you know the truth about the make-up ingredients of the foods and liquids that you consume on a daily basis. Hence, the topic of aspartame. Aspartame is also known as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. It is a highly toxic ingredient comprised of 10% methanol, which is a wood alcohol, and when excessive levels are reached within the blood stream, it can kill neurons and lead to chronic neurological diseases; 40% aspartic acid, which breaks down into formaldehyde - a deadly neurotoxin that wreaks havoc on sensitive proteins and DNA; and 50% phenylalanine, which causes depression and emotional disorders when high levels are present within the blood and brain. Therefore, if you've noticed that your child may be acting a bit strange, moody, and have out of control and hyperactivity behaviors, then look to the beverages that he/she may be consuming, including that of sodas, especially diet sodas and products where aspartame is commonly used and found, in addition to sweeteners that may be used around your house for coffee, teas, baking, especially those used to produce public school meals. It would be highly recommended to discontinue the usage of those sweeteners containing aspartame, and if you simply can't do without a sweetener, then at least be sure to replace it with ones that are overall natural and safe, like stevia and luohan, etc. See my post on "Quick Facts: Agave vs. Stevia" to learn more about stevia being a healthier choice, and as with any sweetener, you want to be sure that you use them in moderation.

Nonetheless, there have been over 10,000 reported adverse side effects complaints to the FDA regarding aspartame, with over 91 different symptoms reported due to its consumption. Some of those symptoms are migraine headaches, dizziness, seizures, depression, death, memory loss, weight gain, and mood swings to name a few. Aspartame is highly toxic and deadly artificial sweetener that is being marketed as being healthy by the Coca Cola Company and Pepsi , that uses aspartame in their sodas and diet sodas. See attached chart and video for more in-depth details on this super toxic and deadly ingredient.

Cited sources: Dr. Mercola - "Artificial Sweeteners Gaining Increasingly Bad Press—and for Good Reason" and Healthy Holistic Living - "Aspartame Poison: The Silent Killer"

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