Friday, October 18, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #4 - Metabolism Boosters

Hey There!

Hope you are having a fantastic day!

Today's fact is about boosting one's metabolism, and in order to burn those unwanted or excess fat and calories, it requires us to eat foods or drink fluids that'll aid the body in this process. We also want to stay away from foods and liquids that may inhibit the body from doing what it's meant to do, take care of us,  when we do our part in caring for it too. So, it's a win-win situation if done diligently and correctly, and while there are many foods, etc. out there for boosting one's metabolism, like citrus fruits, hot peppers, foods high in omega-3s, green tea, just to name a few, here are two that are super important in my opinion, and since I consume on a regular basis, for breakfast - whole wheat oatmeal, I find that it works absolutely well when it comes to amping up the metabolism of the body. It works and fast too! Of course, water is a must as well, and a sufficient amount of it on a daily basis is absolutely necessary to get things moving the right way. Well, enjoy this tidbit of info, and remember, take great care of yourselves until next time! Have a wonderful weekend too! Chow! :-)

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