Monday, October 21, 2013

Why Coconut Oil & What You Should Be Looking For To Identify It As Being A Good Brand To Buy

I could go over a dozen or more reasons why you should use coconut oil, and as you can see from my previous posts about it, I'm pretty wild about coconut oil, and no, it's not because I'm from the island of Jamaica, where coconut grows abundantly and to which we had one growing in our front yard. It has more to do with the fact that I use it every single day in my foods when cooking and all over my skin, so much that my skin now has an even more youthful complexion and a silky smooth feel to it all. It's been absolutely a miracle oil for me. However, it's important to know what to look for when purchasing coconut oil. The key terms that you should look for and that are of the most importance on the label in selecting a truly healthy brand are:
  • Unrefined
  • Organic
  • Whole Kernel
  • Cold and/or Fresh Pressed Virgin
  • Island Fresh Flavor or Aroma
Those terms simply states that it's been produced in a quality way, without any chemical treatment or artificial processing. Therefore, allowing it to retain it's naturally derived nutrients that's extracted from the flesh of the coconut.

Coconut oil is specifically rich in medium chain fatty acids (MCFs), like caprylic and capric and is especially high in lauric, the powerhouse of the three. Lauric acid is what makes coconut oil so super potent and especially beneficial to our health in curing a slew of skin/body ailments, viruses, bacterias, funguses, etc. Lauric acid is unique to coconut oil and breast milk. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-virus, and anti-imflammatory. It protects against cancer, supports and boosts our immune system, simulates metabolic activities, lowers the risk of heart disease by increasing our HDL - another name for good cholesterol, great for the skin and hair, as it leaves them both looking absolutely amazing.

Coconut oil is also a saturated fat and a stable oil great for cooking, but it's the healthy kind that our body needs, as its saturated fat, is the real whole foods fat that does not change composition when heated. They don't oxidate easily and go rancid, nor produces free radical within the body when heated, unlike that of extra virgin olive oil and some others. It actually handles heat really well. So, it's super great for stir frying, baking, sauteing, as a spread for toast too - so delicious I must say, and such a versatile oil! It's a lowfat fat. It has nearly 2.2 less calories per gram than any other fat out there. Coconut oil also melts at 76 degree fahrenheit and begins to solidify below that degree. A good note to remember is that if the brand you're buying is without the smell or flavor of the coconut, it has definitely been bleached or refined, which means it's depleted of all or some of its nutrient. Therefore, the beneficial value of it has been reduced and can be harmful if chemically processed and infused with harmful additives.

Here are a few of the brands that I use for cooking and for skin, Dr. Bronner's and Whole Foods very own - 365. Their labels show those keywords that I mentioned above being specific to ensuring that it's the authentically good stuff, and I can assure you that they both hold the scent and taste of a coconut. Therefore, it has not been refined. See also the label showing how powerfully packed coconut oil is in its lauric acid content - a antioxidant powerhouse!

Ok - enjoy! Take great care of yourselves until next time. Chow! :-)

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