Friday, November 22, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #9 - Quality Sleep

Sleep or rest is very important to the proper functions of the brain and the body as a whole. It's vital to our health along side exercise, eating healthy, getting plenty of sunlight, and drinking sufficient amounts of water each day. Quality sleep is achieved when the room is in total darkness, and here's why:
  • Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. It suppresses the growth of cancer cells and tumors.
  • It prevents brain damage and alzheimer's disease
  • It's known to also influence human growth hormone, which helps the body to burn fats, repair tissues, improve bone density, and enhance immunity.
Therefore, it's best to avoid night lamps, television, mobile phones, computers, tablets/iPads, etc. in your room at night. You should either turn them off completely or place them in a separate room  in order to achieve the best sleep possible, as even the tiniest beam of light can disrupt your sleep altogether. With those guidelines, you will be well on your way to falling asleep in no time and prevent the production disruption of melatonin within your body while sleeping and instead reap the benefits thereof it.

Try it out and let me know how well it worked out for you.

Here's to good night sleeps to come and a happy weekend! Take great care until next time! Chow! :-)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What's In My Smoothie Wednesday

So, today, and like every day of the week. I do whip up a smoothie, with some delightfully great ingredients to tow. I absolutely love smoothies, and I just can't get enough of them. Here's what I had in my smoothie today! Enjoy and take great care until next time! :-)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #8 - Alkaline: Disease Free State of Being

To be disease free, we must achieve and maintain an alkaline state of being. If you'd like more details about how to reach such a state within one's being, leave a comment below, and I'll be more than happy to share with you what I know.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay tuned for some ravishing news for next week! :-)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Green Smoothie Guide

Smoothies are the talk of the town! Wait, forget town; they are the talk of the century, and to get in your daily dose of the power packed punch of goodness, you simply must throw in those greens as well. Why? Because leafy greens have more valuable nutrients than any other food group out there. They are loaded with vital minerals and vitamins, powerful antioxidants, the highest in quality of amino acids, and beneficial phytochemicals, which are plant based chemicals also known as phytonutrients.

Smoothies are a definite must-have on a daily and/or weekly basis. Here's why:
  1. Provides immune boosting antioxidants that fight free radicals to prevent cellular degeneration that causes pre-mature aging and leaves you susceptible to diseases of all sorts. In receiving those power packed antioxidants, you're sure to receive the defense that your body needs in order to ward off those things, lose weight, nourish your skin - leaving it blemish free, toned, and radiant, and thensome.
  2. Boost your energy. So, if you're feeling heavy and sluggish, now is the time to make green smoothies a part of your daily health regime.
  3. They are the real fast foods. Not only are smoothies quick to make, but they are a quick dose of the good stuff that'll leave you feeling great, renewed, strong, and super healthy. Hence, this brings me to the mention of super foods that you can add to your smoothies.
A slew of super foods are on the rise. There are a couple that I'm really crazy about, but of course, they're all great for you, as they're loaded with all the healthy stuff that you'd most likely have to get from eating 4 or 5 different fruits and veggies each day.  For example, an avocado is more potent in potassium than banana. Amazing, right? Well, here's the super list of super foods you definitely want to add to your smoothies:
  1. CHIA SEEDS - rich in omega fatty acids that increase healthy brain functions; great for your heart in fighting heart disease as well as high cholesterol. Chia seeds are loaded with a handsome variety of nutrients, like amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, and iron. (1-3 tablespoons will do for your smoothie)
  2. ACAI (pronounced Uh-sigh-ee) - found in the Brazilian Amazon. These berries are super rich in antioxidants that contributes to the ability to focus and for amping up your energy. If you're doing a cleanse, acai is a great fruit to have around as a snack as it leaves you feeling full to get you through the hunger urges to cheat and eat what you're not suppose to during a cleanse. Therefore, it'll aid in weight-loss. (1-tablespoon will do the trick when added to your smoothie)
  3. FLAX -  is comprised of essential fatty acids and fiber. It's available either as a powder or in whole seed form. The powder, however, plays a powerful part in providing the body with sufficient cardiovascular and immune system health, joint and brain function, softens the skin, and thensome. The seed makes a great hair gel when boiled, which seems to be quite the sensation among many women transitioning from relaxed to natural hair (free of any chemical processing/colors/treatments).  Flax seed is super rich in fiber. Therefore, it's great for eliminating toxins from the body. (Add 1-tablespoon of the powder form to your smoothie or a dash of the whole seeds to add just a small dose of its nutrients). With that, the powder is more potent than the seeds.
  4. COCONUT OIL (one of my fav) - see previous post, "Are You Cuckoo For Coconuts Yet?". You'll get why I love this one so much. I must attest to the weight loss function of consuming coconut oil. I've had to do very little workouts and just more eating of the right stuff in shedding unwanted pounds accumulated from some undue stress, and my daily usage of coconut oil has shed those pounds away with very little effort in robust activity or workouts. Why is that? Because coconut oil is super rich in fatty acids, especially lauric acid. Those fatty acids fight body fats by converting them into energy that boost metabolism in contrary to saturated fats that increase body fat. (Just a tablespoon will do). Great way to start your day type of smoothie if you're looking to gain the extra support/aid in knocking off those unwanted pounds.
  5. SPIRULINA - is not the tastiest of the bunch, but super rich in chlorophyll that's great for cellular regeneration for disease fighting purposes, youth, and longevity. It's available in powder and liquid form. This super food is derived from pond algae. Sounds frightening, but it's super great for your health. Often times than not, it's the things that taste awful and/or considered gross that are most beneficial to our health and well-being. Spirulina is a power packed punch of all the nutrition that we need. Research has shown that it can actually be used as a food substitute. So, there you have it; it's definitely loaded with all of the daily vitamin and mineral essentials and thensome. Spirulina is best known for protein and omega fatty acids. Therefore, it's heart healthy and great for growing gorgeous hair too. (1-2 teaspoons would be a perfect addition to your smoothie)
  6. CAMU POWDER - taken from the Peruvian River regions; these berries are packed with vitamin C - a great way to remember that it starts with "C" and is loaded with the C-Vitamin. They contain more Vitamin C than oranges. As we all know, Vitamin C contributes to a stronger immune system in fighting off viruses, such as those pesky cold and flu types. It's also a great energy booster. So, another great way to start your day is by adding freshly squeezed orange juice to your smoothie. Vitamin C is also known for maintaining healthy, vibrant skin. (Add just 1-teaspoon to your smoothie)
  7. CACAO POWDER/NIBS - comes from the beans of the cacao plant and is responsible for the nutritional and flavorful source for all chocolate and cocoa powder. It has a rich supply of antioxidants and is a good source of dietary fiber. It's also known to be the highest dietary source of magnesium, flavanols, and polyphenols. (2-4 tablespoons to smoothie for a nutrient rich and chocolatey flavor or sprinkle some nibs over top for a dash of nutty goodness)
  8. HEMP PROTEIN - contains a whopping 50% of protein that our body needs and higher levels of fiber than soy-based protein, which you don't want to consume anyway, as most soy based products are GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), unless stated otherwise and are organic. Hemp is also great for our little ones. It promotes childhood growth through its amino acids building blocks. If you're athletic, you may want to consume this super food. It has the ability to repair muscles. It's available as a powder or in the form of hemp hearts. (Add 1-4 tablespoons to smoothies or sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of the hearts on top of your smoothies or salads for a nutty flavor and crunch)
  9. MACA POWDER - is known to deliver stamina, power, drive, and energy. It's derived from the root of the plant that has been grinded into powder form. It's composed of a slew of vitamins, minerals, potassium, plant sterols, etc. So, if you're looking for a charge of stamina or energy, then maca powder is the way to go. (Just a jolt of 2 or more tablespoons will amp up your smoothie for that supercharge that you may need)
  10. KALE - is strongly anti-inflammatory, has the ability to lower cholesterol and super rich in fiber, especially when steamed, lowers the risk of hosting cancer cells within your body, comprehensive support for the body's detoxification system, carries over 45 different flavonoids that are credited for its anti-imflammatory and high antioxidant abilities. (Add a leafy stem or two to your smoothie)
  11. GOJI BERRIES (my other fav) - is recognized for its healing properties and is quite the tastiest of all the super foods. They are rich in antioxidants and amino acids. However, astonishing too, they have over 20 vitamins and minerals, which have been used for centuries within Asian cultures to strengthen eyesight, balance hormones, fight against viruses, as well as to assist with the longevity of life. (A half [1/2] cup will do when added to your smoothie). Great way to sweeten things up too.
While we're on the topic of sweetening things up. Let's explore some foods that we can add to our smoothies to give them a much better taste than to cause us to puke or shy away from making them altogether. The list of all natural smoothie sweeteners are bananas, pitted dates, mangoes, apples, pears, and pineapples

Though fruits and vegetables already have their own water content, you'll still want to add some of your own to liquify it to your liking, depending on how thick you want it or not. Water is always a good addition, but you can also use almond milk, fresh squeezed juices - such as orange juice, pomegranate,  coconut water, hemp, coconut, or flax milk

What will you need to construct your smoothies? A great blender for sure, and the top two on the market today that is widely and highly spoken of are Vitamix and BlendTec. Of course, there are more budget friendly others, like the Nutribullet or the "Ninja" Mega Kitchen System.

Last, to be sure that you're getting quality, non-GMO, pesticide and hormone free fruits and veggies that are nutrient rich, you'll want to be sure that the labels read organic, non-GMO, fresh and/or cold pressed. I've gone a bit further to compose and provide you with the EWG list of the dirty dozen-plus, suggesting that you pay particular attention to those few listed below and to buy them organic to be on the safe side.

To conclude, beginning next Wednesday, November 20th, I will be starting a "What's In My Smoothie Wednesday?"for each and every Wednesday thereafter too. So, be on the lookout for some truly delicious green smoothie recipes.

OK. Take care and remember that the greens and herbs of the land is meant for the healing of our bodies and as a nation as a whole. Chow! :-)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #7 - The Truth About Cholesterol

Today's fast fact is about cholesterol, both good and bad that comprises of its overall effects on the body. You'll learn also the importance of why our body need cholesterol - the good one of course. See fast fact Friday frame below for some pertinent need-to-know, highlighted points that you may want to remember.

So, whats the truth about cholesterol? The truth is that our bodies need it. Cholesterol aids in a number of important body functions, like producing bile acids that supports fat metabolism - see FFF frame above for more on those functions. Moreover, there are two types of cholesterol. You have the "good" one aka HDL (High-Density Lyproprotein). The second one is the "bad" cholesterol aka LDL (Low-Density Lyproprotein). 

"Cholesterol also contributes to the formation of your memories and is crucial for your neurological function. Cholesterol also affects the formation of serotonin, a hormone that is involved in your mood regulation".

"Studies have found that people with insufficient levels of cholesterol have a higher chance of developing depression and suicidal thoughts, while others may experience an increased capacity for violence and aggression. In extreme cases, low cholesterol can raise your risk of cancer and Parkinson’s disease".
"A rise in cholesterol levels, on the other hand, occurs in response to damaged cells. A high amount of this substance in your bloodstream just proves that your body is working to repair or create new cells.
As important, "Having elevated levels of cholesterol (unless you are suffering from a genetic defect called familial hypercholesterolemia) is not a disease that requires *statins* (a pharmaceutical drug/SW), yet, millions are taking them as we speak. It is unfortunate that Americans are led to believe that this class of cholesterol-lowering drugs is the answer to normalizing cholesterol levels, when there over 900 studies documenting their adverse effects."

"For instance, statins also deplete your CoQ10 levels. CoQ10 or Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that plays a crucial role in the creation of your ATP molecules needed for cellular energy production. Other than the side effects brought by statins, CoQ10 deficiency can also yield to a number of complications, including heart failure."

"Unfortunately, conventional doctors oftentimes immediately base judgment on numbers and prescribe dangerous statins, which ironically puts your heart health at risk. Did you know that cholesterol is not necessarily a precursor to poor health?" In Dr. Mercola's years of practice, he's "Seen people whose total cholesterol levels were over 250 but had a low risk of developing heart disease." He's also "encountered patients who were highly at risk for heart disease despite low cholesterol levels (under 200)." Conventional doctors neglect to tell you the truth: your body NEEDS cholesterol. And there are far better indicators of your heart health than just your total cholesterol level."

Hence, those are the reasons why it's important  to be well-informed, as for sometime now, the public has been misled in thinking that cholesterol is actually an overall bad thing, when in actuality the body needs it for certain functions to be carried out. See chart below to learn more about the positive and negative effects of cholesterol. You'll become more educated on this all-out-important body substance as you gain a clearer understand of it all.

Ok, take awesome care of yourselves until next time! Cheers to long life and healthy living! Have fun enjoying your weekend too! xoxo :-)

Cited source: Dr. Mercola, "How To Make Sense of Your Cholesterol Levels Infographic"

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Healing Begins On A *Whole* Other Level

When we think of sickness or become sick, most are quick to flock to the doctor's office (nothing wrong with that btw), be diagnosed, and then pop a toxic pill in (very wrong) to cure them of whatever ailment, illness, and/or disease as prescribed by their health profession, which by the way does quite the opposite if you're privy to the harmful ingredients that make up those pharmaceutical drugs. It's more of a deceptively great way of continuing to tread the mouse wheel of being a scientific experiment that only allows the dysfunction to progress silently and show up and show out elsewhere within the body's system.

The truth is that healing begins from within. It starts in the mind and then extends throughout the body. You can change and/or heal yourself by altering the way that you think, feel, and perceive life and self. It is the more wholesome and guaranteed approach and aspect to healing oneself and becoming better on every level related to your existence.

I know this is a highly controversial topic, but too often we've been programmed to focus on this and that being the problems of our lives, when the answer is really simple as soon as you begin to understand the power of the mind and the way in which it actually affects the body. It is best known as the principle of cause and effect. 

Should something go wrong within the body, there's a signal that is sent straight to the brain and in which the master mind now kicks in to guide us to healing ourselves should you listen carefully and promptly follow what comes to mind, meaning buying this or that herbs, foods, etc. in order to aid the process. The Divine mind knows exactly what the body needs in order to heal itself. It is highly intelligent and possesses wisdom that's connected to the Universal God of all there is within time and space. Just follow its lead, and you'll surely be led to being well again in a wholesome perspective.

Often times than not, the answer may be as simple as meditation and drinking more water, etc., that'll set your body's functions back into balance, as obviously, the reason why you may be experiencing whatever illness or sickness thereof is because there has been a disrupt or dis-ease within the body via the mind's transmitting energy fields that's tied into certain areas of your body - the negative polarity of the pole will affect the balance and functions of the others. It is why you cannot heal a illness, disease until you find the root of the problem that gain its feet from within the mind, and practicing channeling that energy will assist you to bringing it all back into balance. It's been proven over and over again.

Moreover, I've witnessed folks go from being healthy to unhealthy and vice versa in one instance to the next. The cause was a shift in emotions that were bearing feelings of extreme negativity of hate, grudge, envy, resentment, and the likes. Thus, the effect was a disruption within the body's balance, which ultimately produced tumors, cysts, fibroids - which can all become very cancerous and most times do than not, plus the bulging belly syndrome. Why? Because you're carrying around in the emotional pit of your lower, 2nd to 3rd chakras, a baggage of  negative vibes and/or energies. It may throw you as to why it's happening, especially if you're eating healthy and working out often, yet, you're experiencing hiccups within your health. It may, at that point, seem impossible to think of the reason why and how if you've been so long conditioned to look outside of yourself for the answer instead of within, but if for one Divinely intuitive inclination had you thought to look inside yourself, meaning into the vibratory realms of your mind, therein lies the answer to all of your issues. It is there that you'll truly begin to understand and heal.

Take for instance, medical experts have stated and made very clear that the mind has a powerful effect on the body. Hence, it can cause you to have a false sense of being ill or bringing about such illnesses, and thus, can also bring about its healing. Therefore, this is definitely not placebo effect or theory talk that I'm giving here. It's simply the truth that often times goes unnoticed - almost unknown, as folks are so used to doing and thinking the way that majority of the world do today and have been doing in error for far too long now. So, to take back your health, you simply must alter the way you think - go within first and foremost always - "Seek and ye shall find" the way to turn it all around for a better and more healthier you.

To start you on this conscious and wholesome journey to improving one's health, I've attached hereto a chakra chart that shows you just how connected our mind is to the body and its functions thereof, and how it ultimately affects us when our energy fields within are blocked, out of whack and imbalanced.

Study this chart, and thereafter, channel your light energy to where it hurts the most, and no, for some of you, do put away the silly thinking - it's not taboo. It's simply the wholesome way of life in which they call "Alternative" - pretty ironic being that it was here first and not after. Don't you think? Anyhoo, meditate and enter within and feel the flow of light and life filling you with peace, power, and wisdom to heal thyself in the absolute most wholesome way when you connect self to mind, body, and foods - centering and balancing your life energy flow.

Well, my friends, as always, take great care of yourselves on all levels (mind, body, and soul), so that you can truly be and live *Of The Green Life* - feeling fully alive and existing in a wholesome and well way.

Chow until next time! :-)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fast Fact Friday #6 - Avocado Baby!

It's fast fact Friday, and today's fact tidbit is regarding avocado. It's also one of my absolute favorite to include in my salads, smoothies, for making my delicious avocado dip, etc. I also use it as a hair and face mask, which by the way, came as a surprise one day, as I decided to scrape away with my fingers, the remaining flesh that was left on the skin of the avocado (I must say that I'm not big on wasting things :-). So, I scraped the remaining bit into my hands, rubbed the palm of my hands together until the avocado became creamy and smooth, and then I applied it all over my face. In under five minutes, the avocado began to constrict and tightened the skin on my face, that I could barely smile and/or talk - now that's a really good pull. Therefore, I presume that it also draws out impurities from the skin. Now,  mind you, I'm no skin care scientist or expert, but I'm just going by the light of my intuition that tells me so, and it's yet to be wrong when I listen to its gentle guide and conscious truths from the All there is in the Universe, and the proof is always in the pudding as the end result. It really was a sweet discovery that got my wheels spinning creatively towards some fabulous concoctions, which I'll soon share with you. ;-)

Even as important, whenever I see avocados, I think of all the fruity goodies I'm used to eating from I was a child on the island and often miss dearly. Hence, there, in Jamaica, we call avocado "pear" - understandable, right and pretty smart too I believe, in remembering that it's actually a fruit. You'll understand more about why it was named pear via Harvest of the Month. It is there you'll also find some additional pertinent facts about avocado and a recipe too - nice. :-). To emphasize, I'm sure most people think that avocado is a vegetable, but it's very much a fruit. It is grown on a tree, especially on the islands; ripens quickly in the dark - for example, in a brown paper bag; can last for up to a week after being cut and placed in the refrigerator, especially when coated with fresh lemon juice. It's also rich in cartenoids, essential fatty acids, like Omega-3 and 6, as well as vital minerals for the body, which leads it to being high in heart-healthy monounsaturates with powerful plant sterols that make avocado the world's healthiest fruit, as it consists of vitamin E, beta sitosterol, and lutein. Studies also show that it helps in destroying dangerous free radicals in the body and is the highest plant source of CoQ10.

Well, enjoy this bit of fast and factful Friday. As always, be sure to share this info with others. You simply just never know whose life it could change or save - woohoo - let's be health heroes, one to the other, for together we can. :-)

Have an awesome weekend, guys! Take great care of yourselves until next time! Chow!

Peace + Love + Healthy Living "Of The Green Life" too! :-)