Sunday, September 15, 2013

Quick Facts: Agave Vs. Stevia

What's the difference you might say, between agave vs. stevia? It's huge. Here are the reasons why:


"Many people believe agave is a healthy sweetener because it is marketed as being “natural” and low-glycemic. In fact, agave is a highly processed sweetener. The chemical process for manufacturing agave nectar is nearly the same as the corn refiners used in making high-fructose corn syrup from corn starch (GMO related by the way - SW). Using the agave glucose and insulin found in the plant’s roots, manufacturers subject it to a chemical enzymatic (using genetically modified enzymes) process that converts it into nearly pure liquid fructose (70 percent, or in some cases 90%, or higher). Consuming high levels of fructose can contribute to weight gain and destruction of the collagen in the skin. We recommend that you eliminate all agave consumption immediately." - K. Snyder, certified nutritionist
"Most agave "nectar" or agave "syrup" is nothing more than a laboratory-generated super-condensed fructose syrup, devoid of virtually all nutrient value, and offering you metabolic misfortune in its place."
"Unfortunately, masterful marketing has resulted in the astronomical popularity of agave syrup among people who believe they are doing their health a favor by avoiding refined sugars like high fructose corn syrup, and dangerous artificial sweeteners."
"And if you're diabetic, you've been especially targeted and told this is simply the best thing for you since locally grown organic lettuce, that it's "diabetic friendly," has a "low glycemic index" and doesn't spike your blood sugar."
"While agave syrup does have a low-glycemic index, so does antifreeze -- that doesn't mean it's good for you."
"Most agave syrup has a higher fructose content than any commercial sweetener -- ranging from 55 to 97 percent, depending on the brand, which is FAR HIGHER than high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which averages 55 percent."
"This makes agave actually WORSE than HFCS" (high fructose corn syrup).
"It is important to understand that fructose does not increase insulin levels, which is not necessarily good as what it does do is radically increase insulin resistance, which is FAR more dangerous. You see, it's okay for your insulin levels to rise, that is normal. You just don't want these insulin levels to remain elevated, which is what insulin resistance causes."
"That is why fasting insulin is such a powerful test, as it is a very powerful reflection of your insulin resistance."
"In addition to insulin resistance, your risk of liver damage increases, along with triglycerides and a whole host of other health problems, as discussed in this CBC News video about the newly discovered dangers of high fructose corn syrup. The study discussed in this news report is about HFCS, however, it's well worth remembering that agave contains MORE fructose than HFCS, and in all likelihood, it's the FRUCTOSE that is causing these severe liver problems." 
"Though processing methods can differ among manufacturers, most commercially available agave is converted into fructose-rich syrup using genetically modified enzymes and a chemically intensive process involving caustic acids, clarifiers, and filtration chemicals[ii].Here is a partial list of the chemicals many producers use:
Activated charcoal
Cationic and ionic resins
Sulfuric and/or hydrofluoric acid
Inulin enzymes
How natural does this sound?
The result is highly refined fructose syrup, along with some remaining insulin.
Most agave "nectar" is neither safe nor natural with laboratory-generated fructose levels of more than 80 percent!" - Dr. Mercola
"Used worldwide as an no-calorie herbal sweetener, Stevia is a South American herb that is 30 times sweeter than sugar. With hundreds of studies showing Stevia is a safe alternative, it’s the next big thing.

No wonder. It's all-natural, contains zero calories, and has a zero glycemic index. Finally, you can supplement your food and drinks without the chemicals of artificial sweeteners and calories of sugar!
And it is safe for diabetics and hypoglycemics. It has a refreshing taste to it and is far more healthy than agave and regular sugars on the market today".

Here's what you need to know about the various forms of stevia produced today:

"Sweetleaf SweetenerTM has zero calories, carbs, zero glycemic index, zero chemicals. Available in convenient packets or powder form.
SteviaClearTM liquid is great for sweetening beverages.
SteviaTabsTM stevia extract tablets dissolve in hot or cold liquids.
Liquid Stevia Flavors - 12 great natural flavors to dress up your coffee,        tea, yoghurt, smoothies - even make your own soft drinks!"

Nonetheless, stevia is a far superior choice and that's much better for your health than agave if you feel the need to have sugar and/or sweeteners. However, another alternative worthy to mention here, is raw coconut nectar. It's highly nutritive and contains 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, and B vitamins.  Additionally, as surprising as it may be, raw coconut nectar has a zero coconut taste even though it's derived from the coconut itself, and it works well as a sweetener for teas, juices, smoothies, and your baking needs. Raw coconut nectar is also a healthy great alternative in comparison to other unhealthy sweeteners, like agave and aspartame and splenda which is made up of aspartame. Raw coconut nectar is definitely something worth considering in addition of stevia.

So, be sure to make the switch today from agave to stevia. An educated and healthy consumer is better than an uneducated and detrimentally unhealthy one. Take back control of your health today. You'll be so glad that you did. Nonetheless, here's a brand that you can count on to deliver stevia to you the right way:

It's very comforting to know that the "SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener from Wisdom Natural Brands is made from only high grade stevia leaves and cool, purified water from leaf to packet" and that the  brand does not carry any of the following: "no chemicals, no alcohols, no erythritol, no ethanol or methanol, no aspartame, no sucralose, no maltodextrin, no dextrose, no additives, period. Non-GMO, allergen free and gluten free"
FACTS OF ORIGIN: "Stevia, the sweet secret known for years by the natives of South America and was eventually adopted by European colonists. Notably so, the stevia plant originally comes from the rain forests of Brazil and Paraguay where it is known as the “yerba dulce” or “sweet leaf.” It’s still available in those regions, and it’s also now grown in Japan, Korea, Thailand and China where it’s commonly used. Native Indians of the Guarani Tribe in Paraguay have used Stevia leaves as a sweetener since pre-Columbian times.  Today, the greatest use of stevia is in Japan. Stevia gets its flavor from various glycosides, particularly stevioside, which is 25 to 30 times sweeter than table sugar." 
                                                         Stevia vs. regular sugar comparison chart:
1 tsp
1/2 packet
1/4 tsp
2 to 3 drops
2 Tsp
1 packet
1/2 tsp
4 to 6 drops
1 Tbsp
1-1/2 to 2 packets
3/4 tsp
6 to 9 drops
1 cup
18 to 24 packets
1-1/2 to 2 Tbsp
1 tsp
2 cups
36 to 48 packets
3 to 4 Tbsp
2 tsp
Stevia Leaf
1 tsp
4 to 6 drops
2 tsp
8 to 12 drops
1 Tbsp
1/8 tsp
1/4 tsp
1 cup
1/3 to 1/2 tsp
1 Tbsp
1-1/2 to 2 Tbsp
2 cups
2/3 to 1 tsp
2 Tbsp
3 to 4 Tbsp

Until next time, here's to being "Of The Green Life" - the utmost healthiest way of living!

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