Monday, September 16, 2013

INFUSED WATER: Fruits, Veggies, Herbs, Essential Oils, ACV, and Lemon Juice

Hey Guys,

As you all should know by now, drinking sufficient amounts of water is important each day. However, to get to that required level of water consumption, we must indulge in drinking at least 64 Fl Oz each day, which amounts to eight 8oz glasses of water  or four 16oz bottles or just two 33.8 Fl Oz bottles of water as they come packaged today. Therefore, getting your water supply in each day can be as easy as snapping your fingers, but what's not so easy is the taste. Water is simply boring and tasteless to our taste buds, and as people who respond more favorably to great taste, we tend to more often than not, refuse or subconsciously neglectfully forget to drink it. Despite that fact, water consumption is important, right; we've established that already.  It's vital that we maintain our pH Level to at least 7.0 or higher and at the most 14.0. However, what supercharges this whole process and makes it much more enjoyable to the taste or at least, give it a tang or a buzz or some flavor, is by adding either ACV or lemon juice to it, fresh is always preferred of course, or you can simply add both the ACV and the lemon juice to your water. You'll be surprised of all the wonders it'll do for your body. I will mention the benefits of infusing your water later within this post. Though, with all the talk and rave going on about ACV and adding lemon to your water, this should come as no surprise to you, but I want to share with you the results that I've experienced from infusing my water with all sorts of goodness and reaping joyously from it all, along with some other pertinent information about water and our pH condition.

Alright, so let's talk about adding fruits, veggies, and herbs to your water, not only does it give your water a nice flavor, but it also leaves you feeling refreshed as it works its way throughout your body. You suddenly come alive, so to speak, and you'll begin to feel the water rush through your veins and imparting nothing but the good stuff that your body can utilize to arm itself against foreign invasion of germs, viruses, and bacterias, and to be clear, that is what eating and drinking is all about - eating to live, instead of living to eat. Anyhoo, here are some of the more popular concoctions for adding fruits, veggies, and herbs to your water :
  • Lemon slices and rosemary or mint leaves
  • Cucumber and lemon slices, w/mint leaves and rosemary stem
  • A verry berry infused mix, w/slices of lemon and mint leaves
  • Cucumber  and watermelon, lemon, and strawberries, w/mint leaves
  • Lemon, lime, apple, and grapefruit slices, w/rosemary stem and basil leaves
  • Lemon, orange, and lime slices, w/rosemary stem and basil leaves 
  • Ginger, apple, pineapple, and lemon slices, w/mint or basil leaves
**You'll always want to add lemon, simply because lemon is a natural preservative, and therefore, it will keep your mix fresh for longer.** Additionally, if you prefer, you can simply mix just one, two, or three of those ingredients each time. You'll still reap some benefits from it all. As important, you want to be sure that the first thing that enters your mouth each morning is water with lemon juice. It really flushes your system and awaken the cells within your body - a great way to get things moving the right way each day. Water is also the last thing that you'll want to put into your body before going to sleep at night, as according to recent studies, drinking water just before going to bed can lower the chances of having a heart attack, the #1 cause of death, among cancer here in America.

Well, as you can see, the list goes on and on, but infusing your water is simply delightful and makes the idea of drinking water truly exciting, and definitely something you want to do more often than not. As for essentially infusing your water with oil extracts derived from plants of all sorts, there is a more potent effect, where results are experienced much faster. For instance, one of my absolute favorite essential oils to add to my water is "oil of oregano". Oil of oregano is no joke, and it's great for quite a number of things, like stimulating the functions of your immune system, good for pain, anit-viral, fungicide, flu, parasites, stimulant, tonic for the entire body system, aches and pains of the joints, antiseptic, expectorant, infections, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, muscle relaxant, helps you accomplish household task, internal infections, scabies, head lice, viral and bacterial pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, and viral diseases. A pretty powerful oil right! However, what I used it for was when my son started to breakout miserably with pimples and acne all over his face. I felt so bad, as he was feeling a bit annoyed and uncomfortable with the way his face was looking, so, by some sort of inclination, I figured that there must be some sort of infection going on within his body, and I was compelled to visit whole foods to buy a bottle of oregano essential oil. I came back, and as per the instructions on the bottle, I added about 30 to 40 drops of oregano oil to some purified water and gave it to my son to drink. After about three days of consuming the oil infused water, the acne/pimples breakout started to subdue. Within a weeks time of consuming it, his skin completely cleared up. I was so amazed at the results, that I started calling it, *Medicine Water* - astonishing! :-)

Anyhoo, as I mentioned before, here are the benefits of drinking infused water with either of the added natural/organic ingredients above:

Bowel regularity, cleans out the intestinal tracts, rids your body of mucus, aids in weight loss, clear up any skin blemishes and breakouts, like acne; aids digestion, keeps you hydrated which also helps to prevent a whole slew of ailments and diseases, improves and/or stimulates your immune system functions in fighting off bacteria, germs, and viruses; radiant skin, bright eyes, detoxifies and flushes your system, rid your body of heavy metals intake from the environment and technological radiation exposures, feeling light on your feet and more energetic too, lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure, to name a few. Simply put, drinking water is vital to your health, but when infused with herbs, essential oils, veggies, lemon juice, and acv, it's definitely an added bonus in the bodies defense system and encourages you to like water even more and to drink it each day. Infusing your water with all those goodies is also a great way to motivate your children to drink more of it. Just fill up a big water dispenser jug of it, stick it in the refrigerator or leave it out on the countertop and simply let them indulge in all its goodness and enjoy it. Here's a pic of what that looks like when it's done.

Last, here are some water facts that I'd like to share with you regarding maintaining a balanced PH alkaline system. One, "The human body is more than 60 percent water. Blood is 92 percent water, the brain and muscles are 75 percent water, and bones are about 22 percent water." Additionally, it is important to maintain an alkaline state or condition within our bodies. The truth is that we simply want to keep a balance. As with anything, there's a yin and a yang to all that exist in life, so with that, we want to be sure that we maintain a good balance between an acidic and a alkaline state within our body's stystem. If the pH deviates too far to the acidic state or too far to the alkaline side, cells become poisoned by their own toxic waste and subsequently die. "However, some other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function or with our own DNS memory code, and your body's pH level is a large indicator of your alkalinity"So, you want to be sure that you're hydrating your body with sufficient amounts of water each day in order to replace what you may lose throughout the course of a day. If your intake of water is below what it should be, the signs of your body going too far acidic will result in these symptoms: headaches; neck, joint, and muscle aches/pains, dry mouth, cracked and/or dry lips, stomach ache, chest pains, etc. With that, the acidic condition of the fluids within our cells and blood leaves our bodies more prone to catching common colds, etc., but first and foremost, the feeling of tiredness at onset. 

For further insight into this state of being, "Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake; an imbalanced pH corrodes all body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. If left unchecked, an imbalanced pH will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. The body is largely made up of water, a medium that is biologically useful in allowing nutrients, oxygen and bio-chemicals to be transported from place to place. This water-based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties that are measured by a graduated scale called pH (for potential hydrogen), wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic, 7.0 is neutral and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline."

"For example, the blood will maintain a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45. Extended pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. The management of the pH factor is so important that the body's primary regulatory systems (especially breathing, circulation and eliminations) closely regulate acid-alkaline balance in every cell and system of the organism. Some researchers believe that high acidity can deplete bones because the body has to steal alkalizing minerals (especially calcium) from bones to keep the blood from dropping into the acid range."

Nonetheless, there are certain foods and/or drinks that may cause your system to go too far acidic or too far alkaline. Here are a few of them, with melons, like watermelon being of the highest state of alkaline level, among them, its pH alkaline state is 7.0. Here's that list. Let it serve as a guide for achieving a balanced acidic/alkaline state of being. 

A noteworthy mention is that "Acid/alkaline imbalance may be relevant to diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Moreover, alkalinity can be increased by consuming less meat and sweets and instead, more vegetables and fruits. Although eating fruit to increase alkalinity may seem to be a contradiction because some fruits (especially citrus) are acidic outside the body, digestion uses up their acidic components, leaving an alkaline residue (ash). Thus the net effect is alkaline-producing in the system." 
Of course and ultimately, an alkaline state of being or that of a neutral one where it's balanced is where your body's system should be. So, be sure to consume those foods that'll make it as such. Ok.Take great care of yourself until next time! Chow! :-)

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