Friday, November 7, 2014

Breakfast Recipe: Very Berry Gluten Free Toast

This morning for breakfast, I wanted to go light and easy! I wasn't sure as to what I wanted to eat and then suddenly I decided to get a bit creative and just go with the flow. Hence, why I decided on making it really simple and of course healthy is always my way to go, and therefore, I quickly put together a Gluten-free toasts, served up with some in-the-moment homemade berrilicious jam made of raspberries and blueberries and topped it off with some manuka honey!

Here are the ingredients:
  • 2 slices of gluten free bread
  • a spread of organic raw coconut butter
  • 2 tablespoon of raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon of blueberries
  • 1 teaspoon of manuka honey, with Active 16+ 

Preparation method:

I toasted the bread first and foremost of course. I then spread the super healthy coconut butter over them (see blog post about the many benefits of coconut oil, butter, and water); took the raspberry and strawberry and smashed them while on top of the butter and bread, or you can smash them together in a bowl using a dinner fork - really simple, creating a jam like paste from it and then spread the berry jam on top of the coconut butter. For a finished product, I drizzled the manuka honey over it, and voila - I had a healthy and delciously tasting homemade, blueberry and raspberry bka the `Verry Berry` toast! Delicious! 

Give it a go and let me know how you like it!

Cheers to healthy living!

xoxo ~ San

Body Nourishment: Let's Get Back To The `Root` Of It

When I was a girl growing up on the island of Jamaica where my siblings and I were raised by our grandmother, eating healthy was never a stressful concern for us or anyone there for that matter as it is here in the USA today. Why? Because quite a few of us grew everything we needed to eat in our backyards. For instance, my grandmother, Millie, who was an avid church-goer and made her transition on home to the heavenlies some 8 years ago was quite the expert and professional at cultivating crops and much to her advantage too because that's how she made her living, right from her veranda, with a scale hanging in the front right corner that weighed her goods for the town's people who were frequent customers of hers. And because she conducted her business with much compassion, empathy, and integrity, her loyal customers made it possible for her to make an abundantly healthy source of income from it all - a self made, quite frugal and humble millionaire to be exact!

More importantly, my sisters, brothers, and I were the ones in charge of cultivating the crops: water them, prune them, replanting them, and harvest them in preparation for sale alongside my grandmother's assistance and directions. The crops my grandmother grew and produced were quite a wide range: from lemon to lime to grapefruit and oranges, coconut, breadfruit, banana, ackee, corn, cotton, okra, peas and peppers of all sorts, pumpkin and watermelon, guinep, cherries, skallion, thyme, fever grass, mint leaf, cerasee (a potent blood cleanser), pimento seeds, mangoes, to dasheen (a type of yam from the turnip family), turnip, irish potatoes and sweet potatoes, carrot,  cassava aka yucca, yams of all sorts, and even ganja aka cannabis that grew wild among the crops - perhaps that was a force of nature or that of my uncle's clever doing. He certainly had a field day with that one - making teas from it for its many healing benefits. Afterall, it is an herb that God - our Creator provided and that's been long used on the islands for treating many ailments, such as alzheimers, memory enhancement, spiritual attunement, and now discovered here in the USA as means to treat cancer too. Anyhoo, moving right along, we had just about everything you could think of and that you'd need to supply your daily bread.

Each day, we had a freshly prepared breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper right from the garden! My grandmother prepared various dishes and teas from all of those all natural fruits, veggies, and herbs also known as organics here in the USA. We didn't have no worries about eating pesticide or hormone filled foods that were polluted or toxic - thus, harmful to the body. Even the meats that she cooked, whether fish, chicken, pork, or beef were freshly bought from the designated butcher, Mr. Greene from around the lane, as we called it or fresh fish that came right off the fisherman's boat or ship from the bay area known as Old Harbour Bay, or fresh bread hot out of the oven from the bakery just up the road and in walking distance from where we lived!

However, my grandmother's favorite foods to prepare were ground foods, that are also known here in America as `root` foods - the kind that grew from under the the dirt and that you had to uproot from it too, with its root attached, namely so, yams of all sorts, turnips, dasheen, carrots, potatoes, etc. She was such a big fan of boiling those in a big stainless steel pot, with cassava or cornmeal mixed dumplings and that were served with a meat or veggie combo of some sort, like ackee and saltfish (Jamaica's National Dish) for example. She considered those the most healthy and that would make for a strong and firm and youthful body. She used to say, "Pay attention to how well anchored and sturdy and deeply rooted they are. It's a symbol or clue for what they will do for your body". Smart lady! I believe I got that sort of sixth sense eye for details and problem solving from her. She really taught us well. As for me, paying attention to details through keen observation was one of my many take away from all that she taught us.

Hence, why I'd like to help you get back to your roots with some root veggies and herbs that are available here in the USA too. They will serve up much nourishment for the body and give you the strength and stamina needed to get through each day and beyond.. Tip: they can be prepared by boiling, sauteing, roasting, served raw, baked, stir fried,  and/or steaming and seasoning them to your liking. You can make soups, stews, homemade fries, some sturdy enough to shred using a vegetable peeler and make as pasta, served mashed or pureed, chips, or slaw. They may not be the most good looking of the foods out there, but they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients and pack intriguing flavors that may fancy your taste buds! See attached chart list for some of the more popular type of root foods that you can explore and serve up some delicious dishes from it all!

In addition, here are some noteworthy information about `ground or root` foods:
  • Root vegetables are high in fiber, which helps reduce excess serum cholesterol. Parsnips contain nearbly double the amount of fiber found in carrots.
  • Rich in a range of vitamins -- especially vitamins A, C, and K -- root vegetables also contain a host of minerals drawn from the soil (given the soil is not toxic or polluted), including potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, and phosphorus.
  • Root veggies are antioxidant powerhouses. Turnips, for example, contain antioxidants in the form of sulfuric compounds called glucosinolates.
  • And some root veggies have a high glycemic index -- parsnips, in particular -- and should be eaten in moderation to avoid blood-sugar spikes. Adding fats like butter, olive oil, and coconut oil helps reduce glycemic load.
Lastly, I would love to know how it all goes in preparing these `ground or root` foods, so please comment below on whether or not you found this article to be an easy read and helpful to you in anyway so that I may be able to better serve you going forward. Remember to share too, because sharing is a definite sign of caring.

Best wishes and love to your health and well-being!


xoxo ~ San

source: Experience Life Magazine; November 2014 issue; article: "Back To Your Roots", pages: 44-47

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Super Food - The Benefits of Organic Raw Cacao Powder

Here's why cacao powder is my absolute favorite super food and belly warmer during and beyond the winter chilled months. It's super rich in antioxidant. As important, cacao has been long enjoyed for its healthful and invigorating properties in South American cultures for thousands of years! It's also a good source of the following nutrients:
  • Iron                    
  • Dietary Fiber     
  • Magnesium       
  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
This particular brand that I use is 100% pure cacao powder that is certified organic, kosher, non-gmo, gluten-free and raw. Furthermore, some of you may not know that the bean of the cacao plant is the nutritional as well as the flavorful source for all chocolate and cocoa (deficient in nutrients) products. If you want the true hot cocoa, raw cacao powder is what you should be mxing up in your cup.

Here's a simple, yet delicious recipe that I use to make my own:
  • Boiling hot alkaline water
  • organic raw cacao powder
  • Freshly gratered nutmeg
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • A tablespoon of raw/organic honey
  • And last, some almond milk or coconut creamer (mix all ingredients together and viola!) 
The only comment there is yummy, yummy, yummy! And as I sip it down, I can literally feel it penetrating my every cellular fiber - no kidding. I'm that in tune with my body. I have even felt a tingling in my face and a liberating invigorating feeling in my brain while consuming it and that left me feeling quite refreshed, clear headed, and in a warm and joyful mood - very soothing! You can even add it to your smoothie and/or to make chocolate ice cream or dessert in your Vitamix or Blendtec blenders - great stuff!

Additionally, cacao is also known to be one of the highest dietary sources of magnesium, flavanols and polyphenols. It's also a good habit to check the package to ensure that the process of extraction or production is cold-pressed, milled at low temperatures to protect its nutrients. If done otherwise by harsh methods that uses high heat and harmful chemicals, most, if not all of the nutrients will have been depleted from the cacao beans.

So, give raw cacao a go! I know it's not the usual overly sweet and nutrient difficient and/or artificially infused nutrients that are harmful to the body cocoa powder, but I can assure you that you can tolerate the mild bitterness if you brew it using my awesome recipe above.

Well, here's to warm tummies, youthful skin, and some clear headed brain acitivity, with the consumption of raw cacao powder.

Oh, just a minor caveat, it would be highly humanitarian and very thoughtful of you to be sure that the brand that you buy does not support child labor for its cacao picking and production. Other than that, it's a real treat to enjoy anytime of the day or for supper at night! Yum! ;-)

Until next time, be exceptionally good to yourselves!


Monday, August 25, 2014

Oil of Oregano Benefits

Hey, Guys!

It's been quite a while since I've updated my blog. I've been so super busy rearranging my life, putting things into its proper perspective in order to get them moving into the right direction - a more meaningful, purposeful, and productive one! Anyhoo, I trust you guys have been great and that all is well with you and yours. Drop me a line or two in the comment section below and let me know just how amazing things are going for you. I'd love to hear about it! By the way, if you've noticed, I've also given my blog a facelift -  woohoo!!! Do you like it or not - comment below and let me know. It would be greatly appreciated! :-)

Well, on to the topic of the day! I decided to start it all off with some essentially good stuff that nature provides us - essential oils that is of course - hint, hint! (smiles) :-) The first being oil of oregano! I can't begin to tell you just how amazingly potent this essential oil is and the awesome effects it has on anyone looking to boosts their immune system, or if you're having any yeast (fungus) imbalance within your body, oregano oil consumption would be great at balancing it out for you!

Hence, why I decided to join up with a company that carries them "Certified 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade" essential oils, meaning you're getting the absolute best in quality, and I'm sure that you know by now that's what I'm all about - quality, organic, and "Of The Green Life" type of products, that are safe for us to consume and/or to use and easy on the environment too! To me, that's a win-win situation that ensures that everyone's well-being is being accounted for - ours and that of Mother Nature's too. We owe it to her as much as we owe it to ourselves!

Here's my independent website address, Essentially Green Living if you'd like more info about "Simply Aroma" and to get a clear understanding of their "Simply Pure" guarantee on delivering to you nothing but quality essential oils that will benefit your health and well-being.

Ok, without any further ado, see the attached information sheet that I've put together for you, showcasing the healthy benefits that Oregano oil possesses and how to best use it. I will be sharing with you on a weekly basis more about various essential oils that'll help us to maintain our wellness and healthy state of being. In addition, some fun and very useful recipes are sure to follow soon! So stay tuned! I'm so super excited about this newly added venture of mine. It's definitely right up my alley!

Ciao, my lovelies!

To your health and well-being,
San - xoxo

Friday, February 21, 2014

Fast Fact Friday #12: Dark Chocolate Amazing Health Benefits


Should you be anything like me, you love, love, love dark chocolate, and I mean I really enjoy that bitter taste to my tongue that savors on every cell of my taste buds - spectacularly delicious! It's like fireworks happening within my cells as it touches down to my digestive enzymes within. It's a rapid liberator of my mood and improved pleasure, in that it's a real picker upper for sure - percolates my mind instantly. And why is that you may be asking? Well, the first of the many benefits of dark chocolate and that contributes to raising one's mood on a natural elated type of healthy high is the fact that it boosts serotonin and endorphins in the brain. In addition, it contains several minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Moving right along - other health benefits of dark chocolate are as follow:
  1. Contains strong antioxidant properties because of its flavanoids, which are phytochemicals also found in red wine, tea (triple that of green tea), and some fruits and veggies. To note, cacao nibs, organic cocoa powder, and high-percentage organic dark chocolate have the most flavanoids.
  2. It consists of stearic and oleic acids, and because of those acids, cocoa *doesn't* raise blood cholesterol levels and may even reduce them.
  3. Cocoa polyphenols are also known to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of blood clots, and increase blood flow in the arteries and the heart. 
  4. Reduces insulin resistance.
  5. Chocolate that consists of at least 60% raw cacao has a good source of dietary fiber
As important, one study has shown that when chocolate is combined with milk, as in milk chocolate; chocolate milk; and chocolate ice cream, the milk binds to chocolate's antioxidants, making them **unavailable** for your body. Therefore, it's totally void of its super food benefits.  So, whenever it's possible, avoid buying milk chocolate - it is seriously deficient of any nutritional value or  at all. Thus, it's best to purchase dark chocolate that is sixty percent or higher in cacao content, as it contains more nutritional benefits, less sugar, and a deeper flavor.

Another great tip for when you're out shopping for chocolate is to look for a glossy or dark-brown chocolate. Be sure to stay away from chocolate that has white spots, small holes on the surface, or an overall grayish tone. As with identifying any other healthy foods, you want to also look for chocolate with a short ingredient list. Look for terms like, "organic cocoa powder", "organic cocoa butter", "organic cocoa", and/or  "organic raw cacao powder" to indicate that it's high quality chocolate.
Dark chocolate is also considered a "Food of the Gods" and rightly so too, considering its superfood powers when in its raw state via cacao nibs - broken pieces of cacao seeds. 

For maintaining a humanistic and fair-trade approach and purchase, more often than not, it would be most thoughtful that you buy organic and fair-trade chocolate. With that, you're ensuring that you're buying the healthy kind, as non-organically produced cocoa may contain residues of lead and other potential toxins. Additionally, the fair-trade label indicates that the farmers and workers who created the product were fairly compensated. So, it's important to support brands that have that fair-trade seal or label on it. The point we're making with that and want to exemplify is to be fair with our dealings with everyone on all levels. Ultimately, the goal should always be to treat others as we ourselves would want to be treated, with fairness, love, and respect.

Well, guys, it's been fun and another fantastic fast fact Friday of some fast info that may be beneficial to you and/or someone that you may know. Therefore, please be kind and compassionate and pass it on to your friends and/or loved ones. Don't forget to also like, subscribe, and/or leave a comment for this post below. It'll be my absolute joy to give you a reply.

Love you all and be sure to take great care of yourselves until next time. Chow! :-)

Experience Life Magazine, Be A Rebel - March 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Alkalizing, Antioxidant, And Probiotic Green Super Foods!

Hey Guys!

If you know me a bit by now, you'll know that I truly have a green willed mindset. I really prefer and appreciate life in it's natural form and state of being. It's the only way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one that is free of diseases and ailments that are due to unhealthy, synthetics, and harmful ingredients used to produce our foods today, and it's not a matter of who or which company or country produces it. It's a matter of who's keeping it green and doing us right as people in terms of keeping nature in mind and the harmful effects such neglectful and inconsiderate actions have on her and ultimately us as human beings - as a whole. Thus, I don't mind sharing the jewels that I find along the way, regardless of borders or brand. If it's good, it's simply good - no need to be grudgeful, biased, or hateful because it's another country or non popular brand. I go with and go where it's good and green, and if you're smart enough, in which I'm sure you are, you'd do the same too, as your HEALTH IS YOUR TRUE WEALTH, and you should desire consuming the healthy stuff, in order to ensure that you're taking the very best care of yourself - obviously the leadership within our country isn't, considering the harmful ingredients they allow to make up our foods and water supply, for instance, toxic seeds/foods like GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) - uggghh, I'm so disgusted with it all. Our nation's leadership should look to treat people how they'd individually want to be treated themselves and also think in terms of, *if it's not good for my family, then it's not good for anyone else's either*. We'd have healthier people and planet too if such thoughtful considerations were made, but such is NOT the case or common in the U.S.A. - sad but true.

With that, the "Organic Revolution" is upon us, where sustainability and a healthier you and planet is the end results. Let's be conscious with how we treat nature and ourselves. It's important to know that what you put in your body is just as important as with what you put on it. It all ends up in the same places, in our bloodstream and life stream - nature. Thus, I'm so glad that I've discovered a truly word is their bond integrity fused company - Miessence, where green is truly green and organic. So, you may want to try out their absolutely green brand of organic superfoods concoction: "Berry Radical", "InLiven", and "Deep Green". You can also find so many more green goodies for body, hair, skin, and home care as well, made available through their company. In addition, how reassuring it is to know that all of their products are "CERTIFIED ORGANIC" - can't get any greener or more solid than that....

Anyhoo, here's a bit more info about their line of green super foods: Berry Radical is an antioxidant rich superfood that'll keep you vibrant and youthful for many years to come. InLiven is infused with probiotics which are our body's friendly inhabitants that fight off the bad stuff should it experience a foreign invasion :-), and Deep Green is truly a green beast concoction of the truly great stuff that takes our body to operating at its optimum state of being and wellness - an alkalized one! So, what are you waiting for? Go for the green, baby! :-) Become a *GREEN GOD(DESS)* today. Go here for more info, Miessence

Ok, that's all she wrote. Take great care of yourselves until next time. Chow! :-)

PS. Don't forget to subscribe, comment, like, and/or share, for sharing is caring that could truly save someone's life today. :-)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Gold, Silver, and Copper - How Precious Are Our "Precious Metals" To Our Health?

Oh my, talk about a sweet discovery - a precious one at that, which clearly defines how truly precious our precious metals are to the well being of our mind, body, and spirit. It's an ancient truth that simply cannot be denied, that certain precious metals are vital to our health and well being. They were and still is being used for healing. The benefits are truly endless and are mind blowing. So, I've taken the time to list a few of those very important benefits that Gold and other precious metals have on our mind, body, and spiritual well being. Those precious metal came from the celestial realm, also known as our planetary systems via fallen asteroids or of those risen from the Earth as provided by mother nature.

To say the least of just how well known the importance of those precious metals are to our state of being, our ancestors of ancient Egypt lined the coffins of transitioned gods and goddesses with gold. You can also see the goddesses of ancient antiquity, like queen Nefertari, Nefertiti, and Cleopatra, to name a few, wearing them in those absolutely exquisite neckpieces and wristlets. They also drank from golden vessels because of the health benefits and purification that it delivers to water. The halls of their living quarters were also adorned with those precious metals: gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and/or tin, due to the conscious awareness of their bountiful health/healing properties. However, not all gold is truly pure gold. It must be 24 karat or higher.

Anyhoo, without any further adieu, here are the tremendous benefits that they each holds:

GOLD - let's break it down. Gold has been present and evident from the beginning of time, as a precious metal used by the ancients to awaken and tap into the power of God within us all. Hence, why the Holy Grail is named as such, because the metallic properties within gold was used to strengthen the spirit and restores one's youth when you let water sit in a golden or copper vessel overnight. In addition, our ancestors of ancient Egypt, over 5,000 years ago, ingested gold as means for promoting purification within mind, body, and spirit. Those healing and restorative evidences have been logged throughout time to be used for measuring and/or diagnosing the state of our well being. Here are its properties:
  • Stimulates the life force and raises the vibration on all levels within our body's energy field
  • Used to enliven, rejuvenate, and cure a multitude of diseases
  • Restoration of youth and perfected health
  • Used for dental work, such as bridges, inlays, crowns, and dentures, because gold is non-toxic, easily shaped, and does not wear, tarnish, or corrode
  • Gold coated pills, gold water, or gold powder were used to alleviate sore limbs, especially those relating to arthritis
  • Gold pieces were implanted under the skin to relieve or altogether get rid of inflamed joints
  • In parts of China today, gold coins or gold leaves are cooked in with their rice to restore/replenish minerals within the body
  • As early as the nineteenth century, the U.S.A. has been using colloidal gold to cure cravings for alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and carbohydrates
  • Since the year 1885, yes, the United States has used gold as means to heal the heart, arthritis, and improve blood circulation
  • For conditions that are far along, colloidal gold has been used to prolong life. Thus, reducing the effects of terminal cachexia - general physical wasting and malnutrition associated with chronic diseases. It also greatly reduces pain and discomfort, without the use of narcotics.
  • Utilized in surgery for repairing damaged blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes
  • As treatment for several types of cancer, like prostate in men and ovarian in women, without harming healthy neighbors (friendly bacteria, etc.)
  • Can treat tumors, clears coronary arteries, and gives new life to inoperable heart conditions
  • Used for studying the ways the body works, by inserting a microscopic piece of gold within the body, that can then be tracked, as gold is readily visible under an electron microscope used to observe its movement within each cell.
  • Beneficial for rejuvenation of sluggish organs, especially that of the brain and the digestive system; used also for glandular and nervous congestion as well as lack of coordination
  • Stabilizes or balances the bodies temperature regulating system, especially those of hot flashes, night sweats, and chills
  • Has a balancing and harmonizing effect on all levels of the body, mind, and spirit
  • Improves mental attitude and emotional states of being
  • Promotes feeling of increased energy, libido, will power, and mental focus
  • It increases conductivity between nerve endings in the body and that in the surface of the brain for mental acuity and one's ability to concentrate
  • An all natural mineral and easily tolerated by the body
  • Gold pieces of jewelry worn on the body has permanent effect on the body's energy field. It produces an electric flow that affects the energy flow within the body.
  • Capable of attracting heat to the body, especially when the body produces insufficient amounts of energy
  • Turns away the evil eye and strengthens the energy of the solar plexus
  • Wearing a gold ring on the right hand extends life for a few years
  • Has a positive effect on the mood; invigorates and inspires confidence towards the future, as well as having a beneficial effect on seasonal depression
  • Wearing a gold medal or cross can affect arrhythmia - a condition of when the heart beats either too fast or too slow or irregularly
  • Can be used in cosmetics due to its anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as age correction surgeries
  • Ancient Egyptians drank water from gold vessels to improve consciousness, raise the I.Q by 35%
  • Increases happiness, brings about a state of complete relaxation; calms the entire nervous system
  • Functions as a catalyst for endorphins and antioxidant enzymes 
SILVER: is good for treating conditions of the liver. It is a metal that is truly precious for the healing and preserving of life via it's flow through the bloodstream. Its properties are as follow:
  • Silver necklaces around the neck calm the nerves
  • A silver ring worn on the left or right hand can remove excessive energy in blood circulation and thus, reduces blood pressure
  • Can normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract if worn on the index finger of either the left or right hand
  • Promotes invigoration of the heart if worn on the pinky finger of the left hand
  • Works great as a diagnostician: it blackens if there's a problem in the endocrine system or may brighten than it was as a sign that there's a kidney disorder; this is in part due to the fact that sweat releases substances containing nitrogen and when it comes into contact with silver pieces worn makes it shine.
  • Silver and gold-plated cutlery and crockery can disinfect foods and water from harmful substances
  • Silver coins placed in water tanks kill bacteria
  • Silver vessels with water stored overnight in it were used to give water anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties
  • Is the most effective *antibiotic* known to man. Therefore, it's great for curing infections.
  • Silver coins can be placed in a glass of milk for preservation.
  • Can be consumed as a defense against germs, allergens, viruses, bacteria, and pathogens
  • Used to keep wounds clean of infections and as means to accelerate healing
COPPER: is an operative metal that can be used for repairing the body's functions and used as means of protection when worn. It's properties are as follow:
  • Copper coins applied to the body can treat many diseases
  • Application of copper removes fever and pain produced from bruises
  • Possesses strong anti-bacterial properties
  • Can stop bleeding
  • Improves one's metabolism
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Enhances the effect of insulin and heals inflammation within the body
  • Wearing a copper bracelet on the wrist can protect against insomnia, neurosis, hypertension crisis, facilitates joint and muscle pain
  • Is a micronutrient needed for red blood cells synthesis, protein and RNA metabolism, enzyme activity, for the hair, skin color, and the overall good health of nerves
  • Used for maintaining one's youth and health; strengthens the blood and improves all aspect of the body's circulatory system
  • Improves skin's elasticity and removes wrinkles
  • Extremely effective remedy against parasites and arthritis
  • Can stop and/or reverse  the process of grey hairs
A little bonus - when you grater and consume an apple twice per day using a grater made of iron, it can improve the functions of the spleen and liver. Iron also destroys the human biofield when you sleep with your head near a heater or radiator,  which can then cause you to suffer from tiredness, irritability, and headaches.

Well, guys, it's definitely true that "Knowledge is power" and that "The truth shall set you free", for such is the case in this rare moment of discovery, as I'm feeling truly well informed and educated on this subject matter, and I hope you will be too. Thus, I will surely be incorporating more colloidal gold and colloidal silver supplements and precious metals into my daily wears and life, but please, there's no need to go killing each for them. I'm sure if shared there is more than enough for everyone.

Alright, take great care of yourselves until next time. Chow! :-)

Oh, by the way, those gold parties that you guys have been selling your gold and precious metals and gems to are taking away from you the very things that you'll need for your health, well-being, prevention of diseases, survival, your youth and vitality. So, you may want to be wise and seize and desist such party parting ways activities of your precious and most needed treasures. :-)

P.S. Don't forget to like, subscribe, comment, and/or share, because sharing is truly caring. :-)

Cited resources:

Friday, January 17, 2014


Hey, Guys!

It's our eleventh (11th) fast fact Friday again. Today's hot topic is one that we all crave and desire to have and maintain - youthful skin. We all want to look good right? Good, I'm glad we can agree on that :-), but the question is, just how do we do that? Well, research has been done that indicates that there's two (2) key ingredients that are the Holy grail to the fountain of youth. Even Dr. Oz called one of those two ingredients, elastin, "The secret to cheating your age". Read the fact below to find out why.

Knowledge is power, and here's to gaining it and applying it to our lives on a daily basis. 

Take great care of yourselves, guys, until next time. Chow! :-)

Don't forget to like, subscribe, comment, and share this post. It could brighten or save the life of another. Why should you? Because sharing is caring, that's why, and I believe you're super kind. :-)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Vanishing Super Food - BEE POLLEN!


We've been hearing a lot about super foods, and there are quite a few, but there's one that doesn't get as much spotlight as the others do and that's "Bee Pollen". Bee pollen is as vital to our health as bees are to our agricultural system. Without the pollination seeds from certain crops by bees, we wouldn't have any of the veggies and fruits that we need to live a healthy lifestyle today. However, you're probably wondering why are they disappearing and thus the talk of this vital superfood - bee pollen. Well, have you ever heard of GMO (genetically modified organisms), harmful pesticides, pollution, etc., etc., you get the picture? All of those things are the reasons why our dear bees are suddenly vanishing, because it's the cruel and evil nature and/or intent of some people who've gone completely bonkers, to alter the natural process of nature and provide us with an artificial one instead, that's much more easier for them production wise, while at the same time, yield a high rate of return for their bank accounts and kill us all along with the bees - slowly but surely.

Bee pollination is essential for our fruits and veggies to grow and thrive each year, and GMO seeds are put in place to replace the job of nature provided for us via our bees. As you can see, a great rippling detrimental chain reaction negative effect will surely stem from such a dis-order within nature done. Our lives, like that of the bees would slowly but surely vanish away. Therefore, we must do every human deed possible to ensuring that our bees stay alive and that our foods/seeds stay out of the hands of monster companies like Monsanto and its affiliates, who feel they should play God and alter nature to suit their selfish, greedy, inconsiderate, and inhumane needs to corner all the market and harness it all for themselves - all that is naturally and rightly our Divine right to have access to: clean, whole, and healthy foods, throughout all eternity, as nature and God intended it to be.  

Anyhoo, here's why bee pollen is a must-have staple kitchen food and/or supplement:
  1. It contains nearly every known nutrient required for a balanced human diet.
  2. It has 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, most of the known vitamins, and many enzymes.
  3. Check this out, it is SUPER RICH IN PROTEIN - 35 WHOPPING PERCENT to be exact!!! So, if you've ever heard someone say that meat is the highest source of protein, you may want to politely say, that's a lie. So, it's great to know that if you're looking to nurture or grow your hair, adding more bee pollen to your daily intake will definitely do the trick.
  4. Contains 40% carbohydrate and ONLY 5% fat.
  5. Another holy grail fact, it contains "all" **essential** amino acids and is a complete protein source
  6. Loaded with Vitamins A, B, C, complex series C, D, E, K, and Rutin - AHH-MA-ZING!!!
  7. And last, in some cultures, bee pollen is even used as an aphrodisiac - s  e  x  y, l o l :-)
Well, with the 7 heavenly-holy grail benefits of bee pollen, and if you haven't already done so by now, you may want to go out and grab some today from your nearest Whole Foods Market or health foods store. It's a real picker upper. I find it especially effective when added to my morning smoothie. Here are some other ways that I've used it: mixed into my oatmeal, dissolved into hot tea, sprinkled over a salad, or simply as directed on the bottle - 1/2 tsp in the morning and another around 3pm on a daily basis by chewing it. It is totally the good stuff that you want to have around and even moreso knowing that it contains one of the highest protein levels known to mankind. Yup, that's right. :-) It's also a great immune system booster, fertility enhancer, brain development building blocks - due to its Vitamin B12, fights fatigue and skin issues, blood, skin, and bone cells builder, and weight management to name a few of it's Godly good benefits. :-)

Alright, guys! Have a great one and take excellent care of yourself until next time. Chow! :-)

Oh, P.S., by the way, you may want to check out this "Vanishing Bee Documentary".

Here's some additional info regarding how bee pollen is produced:

"Bee pollen aka plant pollen is produced when honey bees gather pollen from the male flower of plants. The bees then pack the pollen on their back legs so they can carry it back to the hive. Upon arrival to the hive entrance, a pollen trap is placed there by the beekeeper. The bees then have to go through a screened maze in order to get inside the hive. While going through the maze process, the pollen is knocked off the bees legs". Pretty cool, yet, simple process that does not involve any chemical undergoing - naturally harnessed while still retaining its power - its nutritive benefits - can't get any better than that. Don't you agree? :-)