Tuesday, August 27, 2013

90-Day Get Lean Challenge

A Homemade Fav: *Blackened Tilapia Cranberry Salad*
Hey Guys!

I'd like for you to join me in my 90-Day Get Lean Challenge! This challenge is designed to assist you in shedding those unwanted pounds that are weighing you down in life. With that, you'll regain the energy of your youth to feel truly liberated to move about more effortlessly, rid your body of toxins, burn those unwanted calories and belly fat, radiate from the inside out, and become fitter than you've ever been or felt before.

Simply follow me along daily and/or weekly through my posts and/or videos that I will be sharing with you every step of the way! Yes, I will be holding you accountable and cheering you on in meeting your *Get Lean* goals. I will post a chart for you to print in order to keep record of your habits and progress, ensuring that you're able to continue and maintain those good habits that works for you thereafter, as you'll want to discipline yourself in making healthy choices a part of your everyday life.

With those things in mind, you'll want to grab a healthy package that'll help you get started on this most promising journey to more leaner you. This pack is a surefire assistance in getting you to lose "6 times more body fat and 8 times more weight than diet and exercise alone". I will post an update at the beginning of September to let you know where you can go to grab your *Get Lean Pack*.

Additionally, I will be sharing with you some tips and healthy recipes that I've whipped up on my own, along with some simple yet rigorous exercise routines that you can use daily. As important, scientific studies have shown that healthy eating habits, along with at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, in increments of three 10 minutes or two 15 minutes throughout the day can and will play a major difference in your health and well being by helping you to burn those extra and/or luxury caloric intake that we indulge in on a daily basis. Ok. Take care of yourselves until next time and be sure to check back here often to stay motivated, gain insight, and to share your feedback and progress.

Anyhoo, I know you can do it. So, let's make it happen. :-)

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