Friday, August 30, 2013

Are You Cuckoo For Coconut Yet?

I'm sure you've all heard of all the buzz and rave about coconut oil. So much that if you wanted to ignore it, you simply couldn't. The talk is everywhere, and ever so often, someone is finding some new miracle that this Divine oil has contributed to healing. I know personally, I've had some amazing results using coconut oil. Can I tell you how ecstatically happy I've been ever since. :-) Though, for me, coconut came as no surprise, as it's an abundant growing fruit on the island of Jamaica, where I was born and raised. We had it in heaps and bounds, a truly limitless supply growing right in our front yard. So, I would often enjoy drinking coconut water freshly picked right then and there from the tree, and then thereafter, eating the fleshy white meat from it's green shell - delicious delicacy to say the least! My grandmother, however, would let it dry out in the sun, where the green shell now turned brown and the flesh no longer soft, but instead, becomes very hard. At that point, it was used to make coconut milk for porridges, stews, soups, polentas, rice and peas - a staple fix of the islands. Coconut adds a really delectable delight to your foods. It gives it some serious richness that's simply sensational to the taste!

However, since moving here at age eleven going on twelve, I've left all of those goodies behind and often daydreamed about having a fresh bite of those tropical goodness that's hard to find here in America. It simply just wasn't the same. Needless to say, there is no comparison in taste and freshness and purity like those of the fruits and vegetables of the islands; you simply can't compare! Truly Divine! Anyhoo, it was of recent that I've come to realize that coconut has been more than just a staple addition to meals, but that it's also great for healing many beauty and body care ailments and/or issues.

To note, a few months back, I had developed some pessimistic skin rashes on the inner parts of both my wrists, that began traveling up my arm and unto my thumbs and forefinger. It was embarrassing, because it was visible when I reached out my hand to pay for something whenever I needed to go out and purchase supplies. On top of it, it had a nasty and most addictive itch that I've ever felt and felt deeply in my bones and veins whenever I attempted to please the itch by scratching it. It itched like crazy and often would burn when I would uncontrollable try to satisfy the itch while showering. Well, it left almost like a zebra striped scarring on my forearm, and I thought for sure my arm were ruined to the point of no return, because I tried just about everything else to fix it, and it simply would not budge, but instead, spread even more like wild fire. So, after reading about on a Facebook skincare group page to which I'm a member, the wonders of this new kid in town regarding skincare - coconut oil, it peaked my curiosity, and I decided to give it a try. Afterall, coconut was no stranger to my knowledge. So, of course, it set my intuition on fire to look no further into it, but simply act upon it and to go get it and give it a try on this irritating rash of mine that I had some months ago. I went to Whole Foods, picked up the exact kind suggested by the group talk, organic and pure extra virgin. I also did a bit more research on the web and learned that to have the greatest and best effect, you must be sure that it's unrefined and still retains its lauric acid, which is the main medium chain fatty acid of coconut that gives it its anti-bacterial, anti-fungus, and anti-viral powers and/or properties.

Subsequently so, after the first day of applying the coconut oil right after showering, I noticed that the itch began to subside. On the second day of applying it, the itch was completely gone, and I noticed that the brownish colored tiger striped scarring that I'd done to myself trying to relieve that agonizing itch, started to fade away. The third day of application came about and would you believe it, overnight, the oil worked its magic, and my scarring, the rash, and the itch itself was completely gone - disappeared into thin air - poof!. Woohoo! Saviour Divine! My skin was repaired and looked  even better than ever. The texture of my skin was definitely more softer and suppler and silkier too. I was truly impressed and amazed with wonder. :-) So, I continued thereafter applying it to my wrists area to ensure that I had sent that rash straight into non-existing status quo.

I then began to wonder, hmm, if it did that for that rash, what else could it do? So, I thought of the problem that I was having suddenly with these tiny little warts growing around my neckline and on my neck and had started also to appear all over my face. I figured I had some sort of fungal infection or imbalance going on within my body that I picked up from somewhere (my former residence as it had dawned on me), and it started showing up on my outer skin. Well, let me just say that I went to the doctor for this problem and to which she saw nothing wrong. However, she prescribed some sort of fungus creme (hydro-cortisone something?) to apply to my rashes, and it took eons for it to take it away, and at that time, it was all over my stomach area and neck too but later reappeared elsewhere on my body, like my face and wrists area. So, it really didn't do much to heal it at all. It pretty much only took the symptoms away and sent it packing elsewhere. Anyhoo, I decided to give it a go and try out this coconut oil around my neck and face and inner thigh area after each shower, and to my joyful surprise, it worked wonders there too! :-) I was so happy, because I was so concerned as to what was truly happening to me. On the second day of application of the oil, I noticed the number of tiny little skin warts around my neck area and on my face and inner thighs too, began to significantly disappear and reduced in number; there weren't as many as the day before. I was totally stoked about this, and from thereafter, I went gungho and happy crazy with coconut oil. :-) I simply began to apply it all over my body. By the fifth day of application, the warts completely disappeared from all of  its appeared troubled areas and the scar like cuts it was at times leaving around the base of my neck disappeared and healed too.

Most importantly, after applying the coconut oil all over my body for about a month back then, nearly three months ago, I noticed the ultra refinement to the texture and tone of my skin. Yes, coconut oil did me good! :-) In fact, it made me into a brand new version of me. It renewed my skin cells and repaired any damages. It even took care of the dead skins that I was having trouble with on the soles of my feet, the heel areas to be exact. They were gritty and hardened and became softened and brushed away with every application of coconut oil I made right after showering each day. So much, that I didn't even have to use a pumice stone or foot file to help shave them away. Nope! The coconut oil took it all away on its own strength and power. I was thrilled, and I've been an avid coconut oil user ever since.

Anyhoo, here are just a few of the benefits that I've witnessed from using coconut oil for the past three months now:

  • Relieves rashes of any sort
  • Fungus/wart eliminator
  • Repairs and tones the skin
  • Makeup remover
  • Moisturizer (absorbs effortlessly and quickly into the skin)
  • Face/body acne buster
  • Cell restorer
  • Works as a deodorizer for your armpits
  • Great for adding sheen to your hair
  • Pre-shave preparation and soother
  • Fry and flavors foods really well 
  • Gets rid of dry scalp (I'm sure it'll work on dandruff too when applied to the scalp)
  • Strengthens the nail for healthy growth (It would also work great for nail and toe fungi infections as it also acts as a anti-fungal agent obviously)
  • Great oral care for the mouth when mixed with pure essential oil, like thyme, oregano, eucalyptus, tea tree, etc.
  • Great healthy additive in smoothies to combat internal fungal issues that flairs up on the outer body, and thensome I'm sure, but these are what I've personally experienced to be true.
With that bit of informative information, it would be wise to get a huge supply of coconut oil if you haven't already done so. You may want to have some supply on hand just in case any skin issues suddenly flair up for you or your family, and of course, use it as mentioned above to maintain your skin in tip top shape as you age and things get dry and brittle, thus, the coconut oil will add suppleness and a refined feel in texture to your skin and serve as a healthy food staple for you and your family. Additionally, it goes great with smoothies. It's simply a miraculous must-have for your daily skin regime and food preparations.

Last, I thankh God for allowing us to discover the powers of this amazing miracle working oil! You can find it at any Whole Foods and/or local health foods stores in your area. However, here's the brand that I currently use, Nature's Way. Though, I did start off with the Whole Foods brand (365), but they ran out last time I went to purchase some more supply of it. So, it's a substitute, but it still works just as great. Ok, Check it out and notice the high percentage content yield of the lauric MCF acid over the others. This high content of lauric acid is said to be the reason why coconut oil is so potent and versatile in working wonders. See it here, and as you can see, I wiped the jar clean :-) - great stuff!:


Alright. Chow and take care of yourselves until next time! :-)                            

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ackee Couscous Delight

Homemade Breakfast Meal: *Ackee Couscous Delight*
Have you ever eaten foods from the islands? If that's the case or not, then you should know that they simply have a flavor or taste of their own. The kind that resonates well with your buds - those of your tongue of course. So, today, I'm introducing you to a Caribbean cross-cultural meal that I've whipped up on my own, as being a vegetarian and/or vegan at times, I or should I say, we, have to get creative in the kitchen to stay enthusiastic about it all. Afterall, meat is sensational. Right? - ha. I'm sure it is, but we want to go easy with it, consuming it regularly can weigh in heavily and detrimentally too. Anyhoo, that's a whole other topic. So, let's leave it there. Of course being a creative thinker and all, is how I created this new mention of mine, "Ackee Couscous Delight" and delightfully light it is, not heavy at all. 

Ackee as it grows on tree
Ackee when it ripens and opens
  By the way, ackee is imported from the island of Jamaica. It's canned for preservation and  transport. However, fresh is always best if you can find it here in the USA or where ever it is that you live. Additionally, ackee is Jamaica's national fruit and is a yellow fruit in color. It's grown on a tree and is enclosed in a reddish yellow pod looking skin or outer layer. When opened naturally by nature, it either holds three or four ackees encased in slot like spaces or columns if I may say so, with a very shiny black seed at the top of it and reddish pink veins down the center of the subtle hued yellow ackee itself. It's truly divinely crafted by God himself and tasteful too, especially when mixed with saltfish, thus creating ackee + saltfish, Jamaica's national dish! Hmm, Yum!

Moving right along, I decided to whip up this ackee concoction of mine and to much of my delight, it was sweet to the taste. Yes, ackee has a very sweet sizzle to it and will get your taste buds jumping off the charts with praises of hallelujah and amen. :-) Well, without any further adieu, here it is, the recipe. So, go whip it up in your kitchen and be sure to come back and tell me how much you love it or like it, but nothing less. :-)

Here's what you'll need:

1 can of ackee (any brand of choice)
*I used the Grace brand.
1 box of "Near East" garlic couscous
1 heirloom tomato
1 quarter of red onion
1 stem of scallion
3 garlic buds
A pinch of cumin
A sprinkle of cayenne pepper
A dash of crackled black pepper
A few shakes of all purpose herbal seasoning
1 quarter cup of organic extra virgin 
olive oil or coconut oil

Preparation instructions:

First, bring about a cup and a half of water in a small pot or sauce pot to boil. Cut open the can of ackee. Strain the water reserve from it and then pour it all into the boiling pot of water. Cover and let it cook for about 10 to 15 minutes. Next, while the ackee is cooking, you'll want to quickly put on another small pot to cook the couscous. Couscous does not require washing, that has already been taken care of for you. How nice! :-) However, you can wash it if you feel the need to do so. After doing, either, pouring the couscous into the pot as it is or washing it first, along with its garlic pouch seasoning content that comes with it, you'll want to add some water to it that comes up to just about an inch or two (preferably two) above where the couscous content levels out in the pot.  Give it a nice stir to mix both the couscous and its seasoning together, then cover it and let it too cook for about 10 or so minutes. Thirdly, thoroughly wash and begin to finely dice or chop (whichever you prefer) your onions, garlic, tomato, and scallion. Afterwards, put a stir fry pan onto the stove to heat up and then add some oil of your choice to it, either olive or coconut. I used coconut oil. It gives it that nice Caribbean coco-nutty smell and flavor as it dissolves and that you may be going for and/or want to achieve, plus it's super rich in MCF, lauric, caprylic, and capric acids and antioxidant that are good for a great number of things, and I'm sure you've heard about all the coconut rave going on about the place; so, you know it's great stuff! Once the oil is nicely heated in the pan, put in all three chopped veggies, plus garlic and stir it around in the oil to release their flavors, for a true synergy that'll be sure to be operatic  like that of Mozart Symphony No. 9, lol :-). Anyhoo, last, you'll want to remove the ackee contents from the pot after it's cooked, then strain and wash it under some cold water. Next, pour it into the pan of veggies that's cooking. Give it a nice stir, blending it all together. Be sure to season it with some crackled pepper and a hint of cayenne pepper, cumin, and some all purpose herbal seasoning of your choice. No salt. I don't cook with it.  However, you can add a tiny pinch of Himalayan and/or sea salt of your choice if you feel the need to have it. Finally, remove the couscous from its pot after it's through cooking or just about done and stir fry it in the same pot that holds the ackee + veggies/garlic. Give it a nice stir, by continuously mixing it around in the pot until it get a tad bit crispy and clustered looking, and voila, you've got yourself some delicious tasting, ackee couscous delight! Enjoy! :-)

Nutritional Value of Ackee:

"Studies [1] done in the Biochemistry Department at UWI, Mona on the fatty acid composition of the arilli from ackee have found that 51-58% of the arillus dry weight consists of lipids. Linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids were the major fatty acids observed with linoleic accounting for over 55% of the total fatty acids. These results show that the purified oil from ackee has high nutritive value and makes an important contribution to the fatty acid intake of many Jamaicans."

"According to CFNI's (Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute) "Food Composition Tables for the English-speaking Caribbean" (1998) the contents of a 100g serving of "Ackee, canned, drained" are as follows: Water (76.7 g), Energy (625 kJ or 151 kcal), Protein (2.9 g), Fat (15.2 g), Saturated fat (0 g) Cholesterol (0 mg), Total carbohydrate (0.8 g), Dietary fibre (2.7 g), Calcium (35 mg), Iron (0.7 mg), Potassium (270 mg), Sodium (240 mg), Zinc (1 mg), vit A -, thiamin (0.03 mg), riboflavin (0.07 mg), niacin (1.1 mg), total folacin (41 microgram), vit C (30 mg)."

So, it's safe to say that ackee is one very highly nutritional national fruit of the island of Jamaica and that you'll definitely want to partake in all its sweet goodness! :-) You can find this savory delight at any Caribbean foods market and/or restaurant in your area. You'll want to Google to find one nearest you.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

90-Day Get Lean Challenge

A Homemade Fav: *Blackened Tilapia Cranberry Salad*
Hey Guys!

I'd like for you to join me in my 90-Day Get Lean Challenge! This challenge is designed to assist you in shedding those unwanted pounds that are weighing you down in life. With that, you'll regain the energy of your youth to feel truly liberated to move about more effortlessly, rid your body of toxins, burn those unwanted calories and belly fat, radiate from the inside out, and become fitter than you've ever been or felt before.

Simply follow me along daily and/or weekly through my posts and/or videos that I will be sharing with you every step of the way! Yes, I will be holding you accountable and cheering you on in meeting your *Get Lean* goals. I will post a chart for you to print in order to keep record of your habits and progress, ensuring that you're able to continue and maintain those good habits that works for you thereafter, as you'll want to discipline yourself in making healthy choices a part of your everyday life.

With those things in mind, you'll want to grab a healthy package that'll help you get started on this most promising journey to more leaner you. This pack is a surefire assistance in getting you to lose "6 times more body fat and 8 times more weight than diet and exercise alone". I will post an update at the beginning of September to let you know where you can go to grab your *Get Lean Pack*.

Additionally, I will be sharing with you some tips and healthy recipes that I've whipped up on my own, along with some simple yet rigorous exercise routines that you can use daily. As important, scientific studies have shown that healthy eating habits, along with at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, in increments of three 10 minutes or two 15 minutes throughout the day can and will play a major difference in your health and well being by helping you to burn those extra and/or luxury caloric intake that we indulge in on a daily basis. Ok. Take care of yourselves until next time and be sure to check back here often to stay motivated, gain insight, and to share your feedback and progress.

Anyhoo, I know you can do it. So, let's make it happen. :-)