Saturday, January 31, 2015

8 Easy Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Remedy Recipes For Ailments

Apple Cider Vinger (ACV) has been quite the big buzz for sometime now, and there is so much information out there about it all, but recently, a dear friend of mine shared a site with me, namely so, "Healthy Food Team" which had a few of its uses listed on their site, and ding/ding/ding, light bulb moment, I decided to condensify the information even further and place them onto a picture file format list and title it with that funky name that I gave it, per this post title, to simplify finding just what you're looking for in a snap. It's called get to the point already. :  ) I really don't care for long drawn out information. Time is very limited and valuable, and so, I truly get annoyed with those endless scroll articles or posts on blogs and websites alike that goes on for ever and ever it seem like.

Ok, now, let me live by my words here and get to the point. So, if you have sensitives with your enamels or simply just for preventive measures to keep your enamel from eroding, like with consuming anything acidic, you want to ensure that you protect them using a metal or glass straw when consuming apple cider vinegar to lessen that effect. I've found some glass ones here and the brushes to clean them too. For, the metal ones, you can try searching for them on Amazon.

Another caveat is that you don't want to use too much ACV, because (1.) It can deplete our bodies of calcium. So, maybe go for a week or so to get rid of your issue, and thereafter, for maintenance, twice per week might be a healthier way to go, or while consuming ACV to rid your body of an ailment, take calcium supplements and/or consume foods rich in calcium. If unsure, consult your physician and/or nutritionist. (2.) Additionally, too much ACV consumption can reduce your blood pressure below what's normal. So, again, proceed with moderation and see your doctor when in doubt.

Other than that, apple cider vinegar (ACV), I prefer using organic and the Bragg's brand, is a real champion for improving our overall health. It improves our digestion, helps regulate our blood's circulation and is also good for throat ailments. It also aid with the functions of our liver and blood tissues and help fight against heart diseases. It's said to also help with fertility issues. You can even use it to soften and remove dead skin cells from your feet. To do that, soak your feet in warm water, with apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes and that should do the trick I've heard.  Anyhoo, you know the saying, an apple a day keeps the doctors away.

So, without any further chitter chatter, here are those wonderful ACV recipes to remedy the ailments listed on the flyer that I compiled and dolled it up just for you all. It's an 8 1/2 x 11 flyer image. Therefore, you can save it, print it out and stick it on your refrigerator if you will. I hope it'll be of help to you or someone you know. With that in mind, please share this post with your friends and family, for ulitmately - sharing is indeed a sign of caring! Enjoy and be well to yourself and good to each other! :  )

To your health and well-being,
~ San