Thursday, November 14, 2013

Green Smoothie Guide

Smoothies are the talk of the town! Wait, forget town; they are the talk of the century, and to get in your daily dose of the power packed punch of goodness, you simply must throw in those greens as well. Why? Because leafy greens have more valuable nutrients than any other food group out there. They are loaded with vital minerals and vitamins, powerful antioxidants, the highest in quality of amino acids, and beneficial phytochemicals, which are plant based chemicals also known as phytonutrients.

Smoothies are a definite must-have on a daily and/or weekly basis. Here's why:
  1. Provides immune boosting antioxidants that fight free radicals to prevent cellular degeneration that causes pre-mature aging and leaves you susceptible to diseases of all sorts. In receiving those power packed antioxidants, you're sure to receive the defense that your body needs in order to ward off those things, lose weight, nourish your skin - leaving it blemish free, toned, and radiant, and thensome.
  2. Boost your energy. So, if you're feeling heavy and sluggish, now is the time to make green smoothies a part of your daily health regime.
  3. They are the real fast foods. Not only are smoothies quick to make, but they are a quick dose of the good stuff that'll leave you feeling great, renewed, strong, and super healthy. Hence, this brings me to the mention of super foods that you can add to your smoothies.
A slew of super foods are on the rise. There are a couple that I'm really crazy about, but of course, they're all great for you, as they're loaded with all the healthy stuff that you'd most likely have to get from eating 4 or 5 different fruits and veggies each day.  For example, an avocado is more potent in potassium than banana. Amazing, right? Well, here's the super list of super foods you definitely want to add to your smoothies:
  1. CHIA SEEDS - rich in omega fatty acids that increase healthy brain functions; great for your heart in fighting heart disease as well as high cholesterol. Chia seeds are loaded with a handsome variety of nutrients, like amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, and iron. (1-3 tablespoons will do for your smoothie)
  2. ACAI (pronounced Uh-sigh-ee) - found in the Brazilian Amazon. These berries are super rich in antioxidants that contributes to the ability to focus and for amping up your energy. If you're doing a cleanse, acai is a great fruit to have around as a snack as it leaves you feeling full to get you through the hunger urges to cheat and eat what you're not suppose to during a cleanse. Therefore, it'll aid in weight-loss. (1-tablespoon will do the trick when added to your smoothie)
  3. FLAX -  is comprised of essential fatty acids and fiber. It's available either as a powder or in whole seed form. The powder, however, plays a powerful part in providing the body with sufficient cardiovascular and immune system health, joint and brain function, softens the skin, and thensome. The seed makes a great hair gel when boiled, which seems to be quite the sensation among many women transitioning from relaxed to natural hair (free of any chemical processing/colors/treatments).  Flax seed is super rich in fiber. Therefore, it's great for eliminating toxins from the body. (Add 1-tablespoon of the powder form to your smoothie or a dash of the whole seeds to add just a small dose of its nutrients). With that, the powder is more potent than the seeds.
  4. COCONUT OIL (one of my fav) - see previous post, "Are You Cuckoo For Coconuts Yet?". You'll get why I love this one so much. I must attest to the weight loss function of consuming coconut oil. I've had to do very little workouts and just more eating of the right stuff in shedding unwanted pounds accumulated from some undue stress, and my daily usage of coconut oil has shed those pounds away with very little effort in robust activity or workouts. Why is that? Because coconut oil is super rich in fatty acids, especially lauric acid. Those fatty acids fight body fats by converting them into energy that boost metabolism in contrary to saturated fats that increase body fat. (Just a tablespoon will do). Great way to start your day type of smoothie if you're looking to gain the extra support/aid in knocking off those unwanted pounds.
  5. SPIRULINA - is not the tastiest of the bunch, but super rich in chlorophyll that's great for cellular regeneration for disease fighting purposes, youth, and longevity. It's available in powder and liquid form. This super food is derived from pond algae. Sounds frightening, but it's super great for your health. Often times than not, it's the things that taste awful and/or considered gross that are most beneficial to our health and well-being. Spirulina is a power packed punch of all the nutrition that we need. Research has shown that it can actually be used as a food substitute. So, there you have it; it's definitely loaded with all of the daily vitamin and mineral essentials and thensome. Spirulina is best known for protein and omega fatty acids. Therefore, it's heart healthy and great for growing gorgeous hair too. (1-2 teaspoons would be a perfect addition to your smoothie)
  6. CAMU POWDER - taken from the Peruvian River regions; these berries are packed with vitamin C - a great way to remember that it starts with "C" and is loaded with the C-Vitamin. They contain more Vitamin C than oranges. As we all know, Vitamin C contributes to a stronger immune system in fighting off viruses, such as those pesky cold and flu types. It's also a great energy booster. So, another great way to start your day is by adding freshly squeezed orange juice to your smoothie. Vitamin C is also known for maintaining healthy, vibrant skin. (Add just 1-teaspoon to your smoothie)
  7. CACAO POWDER/NIBS - comes from the beans of the cacao plant and is responsible for the nutritional and flavorful source for all chocolate and cocoa powder. It has a rich supply of antioxidants and is a good source of dietary fiber. It's also known to be the highest dietary source of magnesium, flavanols, and polyphenols. (2-4 tablespoons to smoothie for a nutrient rich and chocolatey flavor or sprinkle some nibs over top for a dash of nutty goodness)
  8. HEMP PROTEIN - contains a whopping 50% of protein that our body needs and higher levels of fiber than soy-based protein, which you don't want to consume anyway, as most soy based products are GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), unless stated otherwise and are organic. Hemp is also great for our little ones. It promotes childhood growth through its amino acids building blocks. If you're athletic, you may want to consume this super food. It has the ability to repair muscles. It's available as a powder or in the form of hemp hearts. (Add 1-4 tablespoons to smoothies or sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of the hearts on top of your smoothies or salads for a nutty flavor and crunch)
  9. MACA POWDER - is known to deliver stamina, power, drive, and energy. It's derived from the root of the plant that has been grinded into powder form. It's composed of a slew of vitamins, minerals, potassium, plant sterols, etc. So, if you're looking for a charge of stamina or energy, then maca powder is the way to go. (Just a jolt of 2 or more tablespoons will amp up your smoothie for that supercharge that you may need)
  10. KALE - is strongly anti-inflammatory, has the ability to lower cholesterol and super rich in fiber, especially when steamed, lowers the risk of hosting cancer cells within your body, comprehensive support for the body's detoxification system, carries over 45 different flavonoids that are credited for its anti-imflammatory and high antioxidant abilities. (Add a leafy stem or two to your smoothie)
  11. GOJI BERRIES (my other fav) - is recognized for its healing properties and is quite the tastiest of all the super foods. They are rich in antioxidants and amino acids. However, astonishing too, they have over 20 vitamins and minerals, which have been used for centuries within Asian cultures to strengthen eyesight, balance hormones, fight against viruses, as well as to assist with the longevity of life. (A half [1/2] cup will do when added to your smoothie). Great way to sweeten things up too.
While we're on the topic of sweetening things up. Let's explore some foods that we can add to our smoothies to give them a much better taste than to cause us to puke or shy away from making them altogether. The list of all natural smoothie sweeteners are bananas, pitted dates, mangoes, apples, pears, and pineapples

Though fruits and vegetables already have their own water content, you'll still want to add some of your own to liquify it to your liking, depending on how thick you want it or not. Water is always a good addition, but you can also use almond milk, fresh squeezed juices - such as orange juice, pomegranate,  coconut water, hemp, coconut, or flax milk

What will you need to construct your smoothies? A great blender for sure, and the top two on the market today that is widely and highly spoken of are Vitamix and BlendTec. Of course, there are more budget friendly others, like the Nutribullet or the "Ninja" Mega Kitchen System.

Last, to be sure that you're getting quality, non-GMO, pesticide and hormone free fruits and veggies that are nutrient rich, you'll want to be sure that the labels read organic, non-GMO, fresh and/or cold pressed. I've gone a bit further to compose and provide you with the EWG list of the dirty dozen-plus, suggesting that you pay particular attention to those few listed below and to buy them organic to be on the safe side.

To conclude, beginning next Wednesday, November 20th, I will be starting a "What's In My Smoothie Wednesday?"for each and every Wednesday thereafter too. So, be on the lookout for some truly delicious green smoothie recipes.

OK. Take care and remember that the greens and herbs of the land is meant for the healing of our bodies and as a nation as a whole. Chow! :-)

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